Psalms for the Liturgy of the Hours
in Greek and Latin
Week 4 - Wednesday
Ash Wednesday -- psalms from ordinary week 4 wednesday
[2] Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth; / serve the Lord with gladness.
Dec 17-23 The Lord is close at hand; / come, let us adore.
Dec 24 [2] Today you will know the Lord is coming, / and in the morning you will see his glory.
Dec 26-31 Christ is born for us; / come, let us adore.
Lent weeks 1-4 [2] Today, if you hear the voice of the Lord, / harden not your hearts
Easter to Ascension [2] The Lord is risen, / alleluia!
Δεῦτε ἀγαλλιασώμεθα τῷ κυρίῳ, - 4
[αγαλλω - to make glorious]
ἀλαλάξωμεν τῷ θεῷ τῷ σωτῆρι ἡμῶν·
[αλαλζω - to raise the war cry; shout for joy]
προφθάσωμεν τὸ πρόσωπον αὐτοῦ ἐν ἐξομολογήσει
[προφθανω - to outrun, anticipate; φθανω - to come before]
καὶ ἐν ψαλμοῖς ἀλαλάξωμεν αὐτῷ.
Venite, exsultemus Domino, - 4
jubilemus Deo, salutari nostro:
praeoccupemus faciem ejus in confessione,
et in psalmis jubilemus ei.
Come, let us sing to the Lord
and shout with joy to the rock who saves us.
Let us approach him with praise and thanksgiving
and sing joyful songs to the Lord.
Come, sing with joy to God. - 4
shout to our savior, our rock.
Enter God’s presence with praise,
enter with shouting and song.
[2] Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth; / serve the Lord with gladness.
Dec 17-23 The Lord is close at hand; / come, let us adore.
Dec 24 [2] Today you will know the Lord is coming, / and in the morning you will see his glory.
Dec 26-31 Christ is born for us; / come, let us adore.
Lent weeks 1-4 [2] Today, if you hear the voice of the Lord, / harden not your hearts
Easter to Ascension [2] The Lord is risen, / alleluia!
ὅτι θεὸς μέγας κύριος, - 2
καὶ βασιλεὺς μέγας ἐπὶ πάντας τοὺς θεούς· //
ὅτι ἐν τῇ χειρὶ αὐτοῦ τὰ πέρατα τῆς γῆς, - 4
καὶ τὰ ὕψη τῶν ὀρέων αὐτοῦ εἰσιν·
ὅτι αὐτοῦ ἐστιν ἡ θάλασσα, καὶ αὐτὸς ἐποίησεν αὐτήν,
καὶ τὴν ξηρὰν αἱ χεῖρες αὐτοῦ ἔπλασαν.
Quoniam Deus magnus Dominus, et Rex magnus super omnes deos: - 2
[quoniam non repellet Dominus plebem suam:] //
quia in manu ejus sunt omnes fines terrae, - 4
et altitudines montium ipse conspicit.
Quoniam ipsius est mare, et ipse fecit illud,
et aridam fundaverunt manus ejus;
The Lord is God, the mighty God,
the great king over all the gods.
He holds in his hands the depths of the earth
and the highest mountains as well.
He made the sea, it belongs to him,
the dry land, too, for it was formed by his hands.
A great God is the Lord, - 4
over the gods like a king.
God cradles the depths of the earth,
holds fast the mountain peaks.
God shaped the ocean and owns it,
formed the earth by hand.
[2] Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth; / serve the Lord with gladness.
Dec 17-23 The Lord is close at hand; / come, let us adore.
Dec 24 [2] Today you will know the Lord is coming, / and in the morning you will see his glory.
Dec 26-31 Christ is born for us; / come, let us adore.
Lent weeks 1-4 [2] Today, if you hear the voice of the Lord, / harden not your hearts
Easter to Ascension [2] The Lord is risen, / alleluia!
δεῦτε προσκυνήσωμεν καὶ προσπέσωμεν αὐτῷ - 2
καὶ κλαύσωμεν ἐναντίον κυρίου τοῦ ποιήσαντος ἡμᾶς· /
ὅτι αὐτός ἐστιν ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν, - 3
καὶ ἡμεῖς λαὸς νομῆς αὐτοῦ
καὶ πρόβατα χειρὸς αὐτοῦ.
venite adoremus, et procidamus ante Deum: - 4
ploremus coram Domino, qui fecit nos,
quia ipse est Dominus, Deus noster;
nos autem populus ejus, et oves pascuae ejus.
Come, then, let us bow down and worship,
bending the knee before the Lord, our maker,
For he is our God and we are his people,
the flock he shepherds.
Come, bow down and worship, - 4
kneel to the Lord, our maker.
This is our God, our shepherd,
we are the flock led with care.
[2] Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth; / serve the Lord with gladness.
Dec 17-23 The Lord is close at hand; / come, let us adore.
Dec 24 [2] Today you will know the Lord is coming, / and in the morning you will see his glory.
Dec 26-31 Christ is born for us; / come, let us adore.
Lent weeks 1-4 [2] Today, if you hear the voice of the Lord, / harden not your hearts
Easter to Ascension [2] The Lord is risen, / alleluia!
σήμερον, ἐὰν τῆς φωνῆς αὐτοῦ ἀκούσητε, - 3
μὴ σκληρύνητε τὰς καρδίας ὑμῶν ὡς ἐν τῷ παραπικρασμῷ
κατὰ τὴν ἡμέραν τοῦ πειρασμοῦ ἐν τῇ ἐρήμῳ, /
οὗ ἐπείρασαν οἱ πατέρες ὑμῶν, - 2
ἐδοκίμασαν καὶ εἴδοσαν τὰ ἔργα μου.
Hodie, si vocem ejus audieritis, - 4
nolite obdurare corda vestra, sicut in exacerbatione secundum diem tentationis in deserto,
ubi tentaverunt me patres vestri,
probaverunt et viderunt opera mea.
Today, listen to the voice of the Lord:
Do not grow stubborn, as your fathers did
in the wilderness,
when at Meriba and Massah
they challenged me and provoked me,
Although they had seen all of my works.
Listen today to God’s voice: - 4
Harden no heart as at Meribah,
on that day in the desert at Massah.
There your people tried me,
though they had seen my work.
[2] Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth; / serve the Lord with gladness.
Dec 17-23 The Lord is close at hand; / come, let us adore.
Dec 24 [2] Today you will know the Lord is coming, / and in the morning you will see his glory.
Dec 26-31 Christ is born for us; / come, let us adore.
Lent weeks 1-4 [2] Today, if you hear the voice of the Lord, / harden not your hearts
Easter to Ascension [2] The Lord is risen, / alleluia!
τεσσαράκοντα ἔτη προσώχθισα τῇ γενεᾷ ἐκείνῃ - 3
καὶ εἶπα ᾿Αεὶ πλανῶνται τῇ καρδίᾳ
καὶ αὐτοὶ οὐκ ἔγνωσαν τὰς ὁδούς μου, /
ὡς ὤμοσα ἐν τῇ ὀργῇ μου - 2
Εἰ εἰσελεύσονται εἰς τὴν κατάπαυσίν μου.
Quadraginta annis proximus fui generationi huic, et dixi: - 4
Semper hi errant corde; ipsi vero non cognoverunt vias meas:
quibus juravi in ira mea:
Si introibunt in requiem meam.
Forty years I endured that generation.
I said, "They are a people whose hearts go astray
and they do not know my ways."
So I swore in my anger,
"They shall not enter into my rest."
“Forty years with that lot! - 4
I said, They are perverse,
they do not accept my ways.
So I swore in my anger:
They shall not enter my rest.” - #
[2] Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth; / serve the Lord with gladness.
Dec 17-23 The Lord is close at hand; / come, let us adore.
Dec 24 [2] Today you will know the Lord is coming, / and in the morning you will see his glory.
Dec 26-31 Christ is born for us; / come, let us adore.
Lent weeks 1-4 [2] Today, if you hear the voice of the Lord, / harden not your hearts
Easter to Ascension [2] The Lord is risen, / alleluia!
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen
Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be forever. Amen.
[2] Cry out with joy to the Lord, all the earth; / serve the Lord with gladness.
Dec 17-23 The Lord is close at hand; / come, let us adore.
Dec 24 [2] Today you will know the Lord is coming, / and in the morning you will see his glory.
Dec 26-31 Christ is born for us; / come, let us adore.
Lent weeks 1-4 [2] Today, if you hear the voice of the Lord, / harden not your hearts
Easter to Ascension [2] The Lord is risen, / alleluia!
Morning Prayer
1. Ps 108 ----5 - community lament [7] [8] [6] [sat prime]
᾿Οιδὴ ψαλμοῦ τῷ Δαυιδ.
Canticum Psalmi, ipsi David.
NJBC: post-exilic, edited from two other psalms (57 & 60); Edom again blamed
Grail: Prayer for victory. God is Lord of all people, not only of the Church; the people of God are at God’s service—God’s helmet, God’s staff (v 9)—in the task of making this lordship an established fact. This is our responsibility, but also our joy and confidence—not the wealth or wisdom or privilege of the Church, but simply the fact that God is with us.
Since the Son of God has been exalted above the heavens, his glory is proclaimed through all the earth. (Arnobius)
1. My heart is ready, O God, / my heart is ready.
Advent Sound the trumpet in Zion, the day of the Lord is near.
Dec 21-23 The Lord , the mighty God, / will come from Zion to set the people free..
Dec 24 [3] Bethlehem in Judah’s land, / how glorious your future! / The king who will rule my people comes from you.
Dec 26-31 [3] Tell us, shepherds, what have you seen? / We have seen a newborn infant and a choir of angels praising the Lord, / alleluia.
Lent-0 I will praise you all my life, O Lord; / in your name I will lift up my hands. [mp antiphons from Lent wk 1 sun]
Lent 4 [4] O God, my God, / I give you thanks; / you are my God; / I shall proclaim your glory.
Easter 4 O God, arise above the heavens, / alleluia.
[first part of this psalm is duplicated in psalm 57 - 1 thurs mp and 2 thurs day]
108 1.1/7 ῾Ετοίμη ἡ καρδία μου, ὁ θεός, ἑτοίμη ἡ καρδία μου, - 4
ᾄσομαι καὶ ψαλῶ ἐν τῇ δόξῃ μου.
ἐξεγέρθητι, ψαλτήριον καὶ κιθάρα·
ἐξεγερθήσομαι ὄρθρου. ◦
108 1.1/7 Paratum cor meum, Deus, paratum cor meum; - 4
cantabo, et psallam in gloria mea.
Exsurge, gloria mea; exsurge, psalterium et cithara;
exsurgam diluculo. ◦
108 1.1/7 My heart is ready, O God;
I will sing, sing your praise.
Awake, my soul;
awake, lyre and harp.
I will awake the dawn. ◦
108 1.1/7 I have decided, O God, - 4
I will sing of your glory,
will sing your praise.
Awake, my harp and lyre,
so I can wake up the dawn. ◦
108 1.2/7 ἐξομολογήσομαί σοι ἐν λαοῖς, κύριε, - 4
καὶ ψαλῶ σοι ἐν ἔθνεσιν,
ὅτι μέγα ἐπάνω τῶν οὐρανῶν τὸ ἔλεός σου
καὶ ἕως τῶν νεφελῶν ἡ ἀλήθειά σου. ◦
108 1.2/7 Confitebor tibi in populis, Domine, - 4
et psallam tibi in nationibus:
quia magna est super cælos misericordia tua,
et usque ad nubes veritas tua. ◦
108 1.2/7 I will thank you, Lord, among the peoples,
among the nations I will praise you,
for your love reaches to the heavens
and your truth to the skies. ◦
108 1.2/7 I will lift my voice, - 4
sing of you, Lord, to all nations.
For your love fills the heavens,
your unfailing love, the sky. ◦
108 1.3/7 ὑψώθητι ἐπὶ τοὺς οὐρανούς, ὁ θεός, - 4
καὶ ἐπὶ πᾶσαν τὴν γῆν ἡ δόξα σου.
ὅπως ἂν ῥυσθῶσιν οἱ ἀγαπητοί σου,
σῶσον τῇ δεξιᾷ σου καὶ ἐπάκουσόν μου. ◦
108 1.3/7 Exaltare super cælos, Deus, - 4
et super omnem terram gloria tua:
ut liberentur dilecti tui.
Salvum fac dextera tua, et exaudi me. ◦
108 1.3/7 O God, arise above the heavens;
may your glory shine on earth!
O come and deliver your friends;
help with your right hand and reply. ◦
108 1.3/7 O God, rise high above the heavens! - 4
Spread your glory across the earth!
Deliver those you love,
use your strength to rescue me. ◦
[remaining verses are near duplicate of ps 60: 7-14: 2 fri d ]
108 1.4/7 ὁ θεὸς ἐλάλησεν ἐν τῷ ἁγίῳ αὐτοῦ - 4
῾Υψωθήσομαι καὶ διαμεριῶ Σικιμα
καὶ τὴν κοιλάδα τῶν σκηνῶν διαμετρήσω·
ἐμός ἐστιν Γαλααδ, καὶ ἐμός ἐστιν Μανασση, ◦
108 1.4/7 Deus locutus est in sancto suo: - 4
Exsultabo, et dividam Sichimam;
et convallem tabernaculorum dimetiar.
Meus est Galaad, et meus est Manasses, ◦
108 1.4/7 From his holy place God has made this promise:
“I will triumph and divide the land of Shechem;
I will measure out the valley of Succoth.
Gilead is mine and Manasseh. ◦
108 1.4/7 God decreed in the [his] temple: - 4
“I will give away Shechem,
parcel out Succoth.
Manasseh and Gilead are mine. ◦
108 1.5/7 καὶ Εφραιμ ἀντίλημψις τῆς κεφαλῆς μου, - 4
Ιουδας βασιλεύς μου·΄Μωαβ λέβης τῆς ἐλπίδος μου,
ἐπὶ τὴν Ιδουμαίαν ἐκτενῶ τὸ ὑπόδημά μου,
ἐμοὶ ἀλλόφυλοι ὑπετάγησαν. ◦
108 1.5/7 et Ephraim susceptio capitis mei. - 4
Juda rex meus; Moab lebes spei meæ:
[lebes, -etis m - a copper basin or kettle]
in Idumæam extendam calceamentum meum;
mihi alienigenæ amici facti sunt. ◦
108 1.5/7 Ephraim I take for my helmet,
Judah for my commander’s staff.
Mob I will use for my washbowl,
on Edom I will plant my shoe.
Over the Philistines I will shout in triumph.”
108 1.5/7 “With Ephraim as my helmet, - 4
and Judah my spear,
I will make Moab my washbowl,
trample Edom under my feet,
and over Philistia shout in triumph.”
108 1.6/7 τίς ἀπάξει με εἰς πόλιν περιοχῆς; - 4
τίς ὁδηγήσει με ἕως τῆς Ιδουμαίας;
οὐχὶ σύ, ὁ θεός, ὁ ἀπωσάμενος ἡμᾶς;
καὶ οὐκ ἐξελεύσῃ, ὁ θεός, ἐν ταῖς δυνάμεσιν ἡμῶν. ◦
108 1.6/7 Quis deducet me in civitatem munitam? - 4
quis deducet me usque in Idumæam?
nonne tu, Deus, qui repulisti nos?
et non exibis, Deus, in virtutibus nostris? ◦
108 1.6/7 But who will lead me to conquer the fortress?
Who will bring me face to face with Edom?
Will you utterly reject us, O God,
and no longer march with our armies? ◦
108 1.6/7 Who will help me, Lord, - 4
scale the heights of Edom
and breach the city wall?
God, will you keep holding back?
Will you desert our camp? ◦
108 1.7/7 δὸς ἡμῖν βοήθειαν ἐκ θλίψεως· - 4
καὶ ματαία σωτηρία ἀνθρώπου.
ἐν τῷ θεῷ ποιήσομεν δύναμιν,
καὶ αὐτὸς ἐξουδενώσει τοὺς ἐχθροὺς ἡμῶν. #
108 1.7/7 Da nobis auxilium de tribulatione, - 4
quia vana salus hominis.
In Deo faciemus virtutem;
et ipse ad nihilum deducet inimicos nostros. #
108 1.7/7 Give us help against the foe;
for the help of man is vain.
With God we shall do bravely
and he will trample down our foes. #
108 1.7/7 Stand by us against the enemy, - 4
all other aid is worthless.
With you the battle is ours,
you will crush our foes. #
δόξα καὶ τιμὴ καὶ λατρεῖα, - 4
σοι, καὶ Χριστῷ, καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria, honor, et latria, - 4
Tibi, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory, honor, and adoration - 4
to you, to Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
1. My heart is ready, O God, / my heart is ready.
Advent Sound the trumpet in Zion, the day of the Lord is near.
Dec 17-23 The Lord , the mighty God, / will come from Zion to set the people free..
Dec 24 [3] Bethlehem in Judah’s land, / how glorious your future! / The king who will rule my people comes from you.
Dec 26-31 [3] Tell us, shepherds, what have you seen? / We have seen a newborn infant and a choir of angels praising the Lord, / alleluia.
Lent-0 I will praise you all my life, O Lord; / in your name I will lift up my hands. [mp antiphons from Lent wk 1 sun]
Lent 4 [4] O God, my God, / I give you thanks; / you are my God; / I shall proclaim your glory.
Easter 4 O God, arise above the heavens, / alleluia.
2. Isaiah 61:10-62:7 ----9 - prophetic [8]
I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, with the beauty of a bride adorned for her husband. (Rev 21,2)
2. The Lord has robed me / with grace and salvation.
Advent [3] The Lord is here; go out to meet him, saying: / tender his birth, gracious his kingdom: / loving God, prince of peace.
Dec 17-23 I shall not cease to plead for Zion / until God sends the Holy One in all his radiant beauty.
Dec 24 Lift up your heads and see; / your redemption is now at hand.
Dec 26-31 [4] - The angel said to the shepherds: / I proclaim to you a great joy; / the Savior of the world is born for you, / alleluia.
Lent-0 Sing a hymn of praise to our God; / praise God above all forever.
Lent 4 God of great love, / deliver us from the power of the enemy.
Easter 4 The Lord will make praise and justice blossom before all the nations, / alleluia.
Is 61 2.1/8 καὶ εὐφροσύνῃ εὐφρανθήσονται ἐπὶ κύριον.- 4
ἀγαλλιάσθω ἡ ψυχή μου ἐπὶ τῷ κυρίῳ·
ἐνέδυσεν γάρ με ἱμάτιον σωτηρίου
καὶ χιτῶνα εὐφροσύνης //
ὡς νυμφίῳ περιέθηκέν μοι μίτραν - 2
καὶ ὡς νύμφην κατεκόσμησέν με κόσμῳ. ◦
Is 61 2.1/8 Gaudens gaudebo in Domino, - 4
et exsultabit anima mea in Deo meo,
quia induit me vestimentis salutis,
et indumento justitiae circumdedit me, //
quasi sponsum decoratum corona, - 2
et quasi sponsam ornatam monilibus suis. ◦
[monile, -is n - a necklace or collar]
Is 61 2.1/6 I rejoice heartily in the Lord,
in my God is the joy of my soul;
for he has clothed me with a robe of salvation,
and wrapped me in a mantle of justice,
like a bridegroom adorned with a diadem,
like a bride bedecked with her jewels. ◦
Is 61 2.1/8 I sing out with joy to the Lord, - 3
all I am delights in God,
for the Lord has dressed me
in robes of justice and victory, //
like a groom wearing a garland - 2
or a bride arrayed in jewels. ◦
Is 61 2.2/8 καὶ ὡς γῆν αὔξουσαν τὸ ἄνθος αὐτῆς - 3
καὶ ὡς κῆπος τὰ σπέρματα αὐτοῦ,
οὕτως ἀνατελεῖ κύριος δικαιοσύνην καὶ ἀγαλλίαμα ἐναντίον πάντων τῶν ἐθνῶν. ◦
Is 61 2.2/8 Sicut enim terra profert germen suum, - 3
et sicut hortus semen suum germinat,
sic Dominus Deus germinabit justitiam et laudem coram universis gentibus. ◦
Is 61 2.2/6 As the earth brings forth its plants,
and a garden makes its growth spring up,
so will the Lord God make justice and praise *
spring up before all the nations. ◦
Is 61 2.2/8 As earth causes seed to sprout, - 3
and gardens make plants grow,
so justice and praise spring from God
for all the nations to see. ◦
Is 61 2.3/8 Διὰ Σιων οὐ σιωπήσομαι καὶ διὰ Ιερουσαλημ οὐκ ἀνήσω, - 3
ἕως ἂν ἐξέλθῃ ὡς φῶς ἡ δικαιοσύνη μου,
τὸ δὲ σωτήριόν μου ὡς λαμπὰς καυθήσεται. ◦
Is 61 2.3/8 Propter Sion non tacebo, et propter Jerusalem non quiescam, - 3
donec egrediatur ut splendor justus ejus,
et salvator ejus ut lampas accendatur. ◦
Is 61 2.3/6 For Zion’s sake I will not be silent,
for Jerusalem’s sake I will not be quiet,
until her vindication shines forth like the dawn
and her victory like a burning torch. ◦
Is 61 2.3/8 For Zion’s sake I speak out, - 4
for Jerusalem I do not rest,
till her victory shines like the sun,
blazes out like a torch. ◦
Is 61 2.4/8 καὶ ὄψονται ἔθνη τὴν δικαιοσύνην σου καὶ βασιλεῖς τὴν δόξαν σου,- 4
καὶ καλέσει σε τὸ ὄνομά σου τὸ καινόν, ὃ ὁ κύριος ὀνομάσει αὐτό.
καὶ ἔσῃ στέφανος κάλλους ἐν χειρὶ κυρίου
καὶ διάδημα βασιλείας ἐν χειρὶ θεοῦ σου. ◦
Is 61 2.4/8 Et videbunt gentes justum tuum, et cuncti reges inclytum tuum; - 4
[inclytus, -a, -um - inclutus, -a, -um = much heard of, talked about]
et vocabitur tibi nomen novum, quod os Domini nominabit.
Et eris corona gloriae in manu Domini,
et diadema regni in manu Dei tui. ◦
Is 61 2.4/6 Nations shall behold your vindication,
and all kings your glory;
you shall be called by a new name
pronounced by the mouth of the Lord.
You shall be a glorious crown in the hand of the Lord,
a royal diadem held by your God. ◦
Is 61 2.4/8 The world will see your deliverance, - 4
all kings witness your glory.
They will know you by a new name
which the Lord will give you.
Your walls and towers will shine forth,
a royal crown in God’s hand. ◦
Is 61 2.5/8 καὶ οὐκέτι κληθήσῃ Καταλελειμμένη, - 3
καὶ ἡ γῆ σου οὐ κληθήσεται ῎Ερημος·
σοὶ γὰρ κληθήσεται Θέλημα ἐμόν, καὶ τῇ γῇ σου Οἰκουμένη. ◦
Is 61 2.5/8 Non vocaberis ultra Derelicta, - 4
et terra tua non vocabitur amplius Desolata;
sed vocaberis Voluntas mea in ea, et terra tua Inhabitata,
quia complacuit Domino in te; et terra tua inhabitabitur. ◦
Is 61 2.5/6 No more shall men call you “Forsaken,”
or your land “Desolate,”
but you shall be called “My Delight,”
and your land “Espoused.”
For the Lord delights in you,
and makes your land his spouse. ◦
Is 61 2.5/8 They will no longer call you Forsaken, - 4
nor your land Barren.
Beloved will be your name,
and your land will be called Married.
For the Lord delights in you,
and your fields will be fertile. ◦
Is 61 2.6/8 καὶ ὡς συνοικῶν νεανίσκος παρθένῳ,- 4
οὕτως κατοικήσουσιν οἱ υἱοί σου μετὰ σοῦ·
καὶ ἔσται ὃν τρόπον εὐφρανθήσεται νυμφίος ἐπὶ νύμφῃ,
οὕτως εὐφρανθήσεται κύριος ἐπὶ σοί. ◦
Is 61 2.6/8 Habitabit enim juvenis cum virgine, - 4
et habitabunt in te filii tui;
et gaudebit sponsus super sponsam,
et gaudebit super te Deus tuus. ◦
Is 61 2.6/6 As a young man marries a virgin,
your Builder shall marry you;
and as a bridegroom rejoices in his bride
so shall your God rejoice in you. #
Is 61 2.6/8 As a young man marries a wife, - 4
your Builder will marry you.
As a groom delights in his bride,
your Lord will honor you. ◦
Is 61 2.7/8 καὶ ἐπὶ τῶν τειχέων σου, Ιερουσαλημ, κατέστησα φύλακας - 3
ὅλην τὴν ἡμέραν καὶ ὅλην τὴν νύκτα,
οἳ διὰ τέλους οὐ σιωπήσονται ◦
Is 61 2.7/8 Super muros tuos, Jerusalem, constitui custodes; - 2
tota die et tota nocte in perpetuum non tacebunt. ◦
[No Grail text]
Is 61 2.7/8 “On your walls, Jerusalem, - 2
I have posted guards
to stay alert both day and night.” ◦
Is 61 2.8/8 μιμνῃσκόμενοι κυρίου. - 3
οὐκ ἔστιν γὰρ ὑμῖν ὅμοιος,
ἐὰν διορθώσῃ καὶ ποιήσῃ Ιερουσαλημ ἀγαυρίαμα ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς. #
Is 61 2.8/8 Qui reminiscimini Domini, ne taceatis, - 3
et ne detis silentium ei,
donec stabiliat et donec ponat Jerusalem laudem in terra. #
[No Grail text]
Is 61 2.8/8 Stay awake, you advocates, - 3
and give God no rest
till Jerusalem is built up
to become earth’s crown. #
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri et Filio / et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, - 4
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
2. The Lord has robed me / with grace and salvation.
Advent [3] The Lord is here; go out to meet him, saying: / tender his birth, gracious his kingdom: / loving God, prince of peace.
Dec 17-23 I shall not cease to plead for Zion / until God sends the Holy One in all his radiant beauty.
Dec 24 Lift up your heads and see; / your redemption is now at hand.
Dec 26-31 [4] - The angel said to the shepherds: / I proclaim to you a great joy; / the Savior of the world is born for you, / alleluia.
Lent-0 Sing a hymn of praise to our God; / praise God above all forever.
Lent 4 God of great love, / deliver us from the power of the enemy.
Easter 4 The Lord will make praise and justice blossom before all the nations, / alleluia.
3. Ps 146 ----1 - hymn [6] [wed lauds]
Αλληλουια· Αγγαιου καὶ Ζαχαριου.
Alleluja, Aggæi et Zachariæ.
NJBC: first of final doxology; post-exilic; wisdom language; “sight to the blind”=freeing of captives; strangers, fatherless, widows
Grail: Praise of God’s fidelity. The Almighty God is at our service; the All-mighty, the only mighty; we cannot take out a second insurance—we must rely on him only, cast all our care on the Lord, for he has care of us.
3. I will praise my God / all the days of my life.
Advent Your all-powerful Word, O Lord, / will come to earth from a throne of glory.
Dec 17-23 The spirit of the Lord rests upon me, / to preach a joyful message to the poor.
Dec 24 The day has come at last / when Mary will bring forth her firstborn Son.
Dec 26-31 [3] A little child is born for us today; / little and yet called the mighty God, / alleluia.
Lent-0 The Lord delights in the people; / God honors the humble with victory.
Lent 4 Praise our loving God / for mighty deeds.
Easter 4 Zion, the Lord, your God, will reign forever, / alleluia.
146 3.1/6 Αἴνει, ἡ ψυχή μου, τὸν κύριον. - 3
αἰνέσω κύριον ἐν ζωῇ μου,
ψαλῶ τῷ θεῷ μου, ἕως ὑπάρχω. ◦
146 3.1/6 Lauda, anima mea, Dominum. - 3
Laudabo Dominum in vita mea;
psallam Deo meo quamdiu fuero. ◦
146 3.1/6 My soul, give praise to the Lord;
I will praise the Lord all my days,
make music to my God while I live. ◦
146 3.1/6 Praise the Lord, my heart! - 3
My whole life, give praise.
Let me sing to God
as long as I live. ◦
146 3.2/6 μὴ πεποίθατε ἐπ᾽ ἄρχοντας - 4
καὶ ἐφ᾽ υἱοὺς ἀνθρώπων, οἷς οὐκ ἔστιν σωτηρία.
ἐξελεύσεται τὸ πνεῦμα αὐτοῦ, καὶ ἐπιστρέψει εἰς τὴν γῆν αὐτοῦ·
ἐν ἐκείνῃ τῇ ἡμέρᾳ ἀπολοῦνται πάντες οἱ διαλογισμοὶ αὐτῶν. ◦
146 3.2/6 Nolite confidere in principibus, - 4
in filiis hominum, in quibus non est salus.
Exibit spiritus ejus, et revertetur in terram suam;
in illa die peribunt omnes cogitationes eorum. ◦
146 3.2/6 Put no trust in princes,
in mortal men in whom there is no help.
Take their breath, they return to clay
and their plans that day come to nothing. ◦
146 3.2/6 Never depend on rulers: - 4
born of earth, they cannot save.
They die, they turn to dust.
That day, their plans crumble. ◦
146 3.3/6 μακάριος οὗ ὁ θεὸς Ιακωβ βοηθός, - 4
ἡ ἐλπὶς αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ κύριον τὸν θεὸν αὐτοῦ
τὸν ποιήσαντα τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ τὴν γῆν,
τὴν θάλασσαν καὶ πάντα τὰ ἐν αὐτοῖς, ◦
146 3.3/6 Beatus cujus Deus Jacob adjutor ejus, - 4
spes ejus in Domino Deo ipsius:
qui fecit cælum et terram,
mare, et omnia quæ in eis sunt. ◦
146 3.3/6 He is happy who is helped by Jacob’s God,
whose hope is in the Lord his God,
who alone made heaven and earth,
the seas and all they contain. ◦
146 3.3/6 They are wise who depend on God, - 4
who look to Jacob’s Lord,
creator of heaven and earth,
maker of the teeming sea. ◦
146 3.4/6 τὸν φυλάσσοντα ἀλήθειαν εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα, - 4
ποιοῦντα κρίμα τοῖς ἀδικουμένοις,
διδόντα τροφὴν τοῖς πεινῶσιν·
κύριος λύει πεπεδημένους, ◦
146 3.4/6 Qui custodit veritatem in sæculum; - 4
facit judicium injuriam patientibus;
dat escam esurientibus.
Dominus solvit compeditos; ◦
146 3.4/6 It is he who keeps faith for ever,
who is just to those who are oppressed.
It is he who gives bread to the hungry,
the Lord, who sets prisoners free, ◦
146 3.4/6 The Lord keeps faith forever, - 4
giving food to the hungry,
justice to the poor,
freedom to captives. ◦
146 3.5/6 κύριος ἀνορθοῖ κατερραγμένους, - 4
κύριος σοφοῖ τυφλούς,
κύριος ἀγαπᾷ δικαίους·
κύριος φυλάσσει τοὺς προσηλύτους, //
ὀρφανὸν καὶ χήραν ἀναλήμψεται - 2
καὶ ὁδὸν ἁμαρτωλῶν ἀφανιεῖ. ◦
146 3.5/6 Dominus illuminat cæcos. - 3
Dominus erigit elisos;
Dominus diligit justos. //
Dominus custodit advenas, - 3
pupillum et viduam suscipiet,
et vias peccatorum disperdet. ◦
146 3.5/6 the Lord who gives sight to the blind,
who raises up those who are bowed down,
the Lord, who protects the stranger
and upholds the widow and orphan.
It is the Lord who loves the just
but thwarts the path of the wicked. ◦
146 3.5/6 The Lord opens blind eyes - 4
and straightens the bent,
comforting widows and orphans,
protecting the stranger.
The Lord loves the just
but blocks the path of the wicked. ◦
146 3.6/6 βασιλεύσει κύριος εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα, - 2
ὁ θεός σου, Σιων, εἰς γενεὰν καὶ γενεάν. #
146 3.6/6 Regnabit Dominus in sæcula; - 2
Deus tuus, Sion, in generationem et generationem. #
146 3.6/6 The Lord will reign for ever,
Zion’s God, from age to age. #
146 3.6/6 Zion, praise the Lord! - 4
Your God reigns forever,
from generation to generation.
Halleluia! #
δόξα καὶ τιμὴ καὶ λατρεῖα, - 4
σοι, καὶ Χριστῷ, καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria, honor, et latria, - 4
Tibi, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory, honor, and adoration - 4
to you, to Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
3. I will praise my God / all the days of my life.
Advent Your all-powerful Word, O Lord, / will come to earth from a throne of glory.
Dec 17-23 The spirit of the Lord rests upon me, / to preach a joyful message to the poor.
Dec 24 The day has come at last / when Mary will bring forth her firstborn Son.
Dec 26-31 [3] A little child is born for us today; / little and yet called the mighty God, / alleluia.
Lent-0 The Lord delights in the people; / God honors the humble with victory.
Lent 4 Praise our loving God / for mighty deeds.
Easter 4 Zion, the Lord, your God, will reign forever, / alleluia.
[2] Let us serve the Lord in holiness / all the days of our life.
Dec 21 - [2] There is no need to be afraid; / in five days our Lord will come to us.
Dec 22 - [2] The moment that your greeting reached my ears, / the child within my womb leapt for joy.
Dec 23 - All that God promised to the virgin through the message of the angel / has been accomplished.
Dec 24 - The time has come / for Mary to give birth to her firstborn Son.
Dec 26 [2] The gates of heaven opened out to blessed Stephen, / and he was crowned first of martyrs.
Dec 27 [2] The Word was made flesh and lived among us, / and we have seen his glory.
Lent 0 [2] When you fast, / do not put on a gloomy face like the hypocrites.
Lent 4 - [3] Whoever hears my words, says the Lord, / and believes in the One who sent me, / has eternal life.
Easter 4 [4] I am the light; / I have come into the world, / that those who believe in me may not remain in darkness, / alleluia.
1/5. Ἐυλογητὸς κύριος ὁ θεὸς τοῦ Ἰσραήλ, - 2
ὅτι ἐπεσκέψατο καὶ ἐποίησεν λύτρωσιν τῷ λαῷ αὐτοῦ,
1/5. Benedictus Dominus, Deus Israel, - 2
quia visitavit, et fecit redemptionem plebis suae.
1/5 Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel;
he has come to his people and set them free.
1/5. Praise the Lord, the God of Israel, - 2
who shepherds the people and sets them free.
2/5. καὶ ἤγειρεν κέρας σωτηρίας ἡμῖν ἐν οἰκῷ Δαυὶδ παιδὸς αὐτοῦ, - 4
καθὼς ἐλάλησεν διὰ στόματος τῶν ἁγίων ἀπ’ αἰῶνος προφητῶν αὐτοῦ,
σωτηρίαν ἐξ ἐχθρῶν ἡμῶν
καὶ ἐκ χειρὸς πάντων τῶν μισούντων ἡμᾶς,
2/5. Et erexit cornu salutis nobis: - 4
in domo David, pueri sui.
Sicut locutus est per os sanctorum,
qui a saeculo sunt, prophetarum ejus: //
Salutem ex inimicis nostris: - 2
et de manu omnium, qui oderunt nos.
2/5 He has raised up for us a mighty savior,
born of the house of his servant, David.
Through his holy prophets he promised of old
that he would save us from our enemies,
from the hands of all who hate us.
2/5. God raises from David’s house - 4
a child with power to save.
Through the holy prophets
God promised in ages past
to save us from enemy hands,
from the grip of all who hate us.
3/5. ποιῆσαι ἔλεος μετὰ τῶν πατέρων ἡμῶν - 4
καὶ μνησθῆναι διαθήκης ἁγίας αὐτοῦ,
ὅρκον ὃν ὤμοσεν πρὸς Ἀβραὰμ τὸν πατέρα ἡμῶν, τοῦ δοῦναι ἡμῖν
ἀφόβως ἐκ χειρὸς ἐχθρῶν ῥυσθέντας //
λατρεύειν αὐτῷ ἐν ὀσιότητι καὶ δικαιοσύνῃ - 2
ἐνώπιον αὐτοῦ πάσαις ταῖς ἡμέραις ἡμῶν.
3/5. Ad faciendum misericordiam cum patribus nostris: - 4
et memorari testamenti sui sancti.
Jusjurandum, quod juravit ad Abraham, patrem nostrum,
daturum se nobis: //
Ut sine timore, de manu inimicorum nostrorum liberati, - 3
serviamus illi.
In sanctitate, et justitia coram ipso, omnibus diebus nostris.
3/5 He promised to show mercy to our fathers
and to remember his holy covenant.
This was the oath he swore to our father Abraham:
to set us free from the hands of our enemies,
free to worship him without fear,
holy and righteous in his sight,
all the days of our life.
3/5. The Lord favored our forebears, - 4
recalling the sacred covenant,
the pledge to our forebear Abraham,
to free us from our enemies,
so we might worship without fear
and be holy and just all our days.
4/5. Καὶ σὺ δὲ παιδίον, προφήτης ὑψίστου κληθήσῃ· - 3
προπορεύσῃ γὰρ ἐνώπιον κυρίου ἑτοιμάσαι ὁδοὺς αὐτοῦ,
τοῦ δοῦναι γνῶσιν σωτηρίας τῷ λαῷ αὐτοῦ ἐν ἀφέσει ἁμαρτιῶν αὐτῶν,
4/5. Et tu, puer, Propheta Altissimi vocaberis: - 4
praeibis ante faciem Domini parare vias ejus.
Ad dandam scientiam salutis plebi ejus:
in remissionem peccatorum eorum.
4/5 You, my child, shall be called the prophet of the Most High;
for you will go before the Lord to prepare his way,
to give his people knowledge of salvation
by the forgiveness of their sins.
4/5. And you, child, will be called - 4
Prophet of the Most High,
for you will come to prepare
a pathway for the Lord
by teaching the people salvation
through forgiveness of their sin.
5/5. διὰ σπλάγχνα ἐλέους θεοῦ ἡμῶν, - 4
ἐν οἷς ἐπισκέψεται ἡμᾶς ἀνατολὴ ἐξ ὕψους,
ἐπιφᾶναι τοῖς ἐν σκότει καὶ σκιᾷ θανάτου καθημένοις,
τοῦ κατευθῦναι τοὺς πόδας ἡμῶν εἰς ὁδὸν εἰρήνης. #
5/5. Per viscera misericordiae Dei nostri: - 4
in quibus visitavit nos, oriens ex alto.
Illuminare his qui in tenebris, et in umbra mortis sedent:
ad dirigendos pedes nostros in viam pacis. #
5/5 In the tender compassion of our God
the dawn from on high shall break upon us,
to shine on those who dwell in darkness and the shadow of death,
and to guide our feet into the way of peace. #
5/5. Out of God’s deepest mercy
a dawn will come from on high,
light for those shadowed by death,
a guide for our feet on the way to peace. #
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri et Filio / et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be forever. Amen.
[2] Let us serve the Lord in holiness / all the days of our life.
Dec 21 - [2] There is no need to be afraid; / in five days our Lord will come to us.
Dec 22 - [2] The moment that your greeting reached my ears, / the child within my womb leapt for joy.
Dec 23 - All that God promised to the virgin through the message of the angel / has been accomplished.
Dec 24 - The time has come / for Mary to give birth to her firstborn Son.
Dec 26 [2] The gates of heaven opened out to blessed Stephen, / and he was crowned first of martyrs.
Dec 27 [2] The Word was made flesh and lived among us, / and we have seen his glory.
Lent 0 [2] When you fast, / do not put on a gloomy face like the hypocrites.
Lent 4 - [3] Whoever hears my words, says the Lord, / and believes in the One who sent me, / has eternal life.
Easter 4 [4] I am the light; / I have come into the world, / that those who believe in me may not remain in darkness, / alleluia.
Πάτερ ἡμῶν / ὁ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς·
ἁγιασθήτω τὸ ὄνομά σου·
ἐλθέτω ἡ βα-σι-λεί-α σου·
γενηθήτω τὸ θέλημά σου,
ὡς ἐν οὐρανῷ καὶ ἐπ- ὶ γῆς·
τὸν ἄρτον ἡμῶν τὸν ἐ- πι-ούσιον /
δὸς ἡ-μῖν σή μερον·
καὶ ἄφες ἡμῖν τὰ ὀφει-λή-μα-τα ἡμῶν,
ὡς καὶ ἡμεῖς ἀ-φή-καμεν /
τοῖς ὀ-φειλέ-ταις ἡμῶν·
καὶ μὴ εἰ-σε- νέγ-κῃς ἡμᾶς /
εἰς πειρασ-μόν,
ἀλλὰ ῥῦσαι ἡμᾶς ἀ-πὸ τοῦ πο-νη-ροῦ.
Pater noster, qui es in caelis,
sanctificetur nomen tuum,
adveniat regnum tuum,
fiat voluntas tua
sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita nostra
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a malo.
Midday Prayer
1 - Ps 119, 145-152 ----8 - wisdom/historical [4] [7] [4] [also 1sam & 3sam]
1 - Lord, I cry to you for help; / I trust in your promise.
Dec 21-24 This is the good news the prophets foretold; / the Savior will be born of the Virgin Mary.
Dec 26-27 Joseph and Mary, the mother of Jesus, / were filled with wonder at all that was said of the child.
Lent The time of penance has come, / the time to atone for our sins and to seek salvation.
Easter [3] Christ has risen from the dead / and will never die again, / alleluia.
145-152 1.1/4 ᾿Εκέκραξα ἐν ὅλῃ καρδίᾳ μου· ἐπάκουσόν μου, κύριε· - 4
τὰ δικαιώματά σου ἐκζητήσω.
ἐκέκραξά σε· σῶσόν με,
καὶ φυλάξω τὰ μαρτύριά σου. ◦
145-152 1.1/4 Clamavi in toto corde meo, exaudi me, Domine: - 4
justificationes tuas requiram.
Clamavi ad te, salvum me fac:
ut custodiam mandata tua. ◦
145-152 1.1/4 I call with all my heart; Lord, hear me,
I will keep your commands.
I call upon you, save me
and I will do your will. ◦
145-152 1.1/4 My heart begs you, Lord: - 2
hear me, so I can keep faith.
I beg you, make me free,
so I can live your laws. ◦
145-152 1.2/4 προέφθασα ἐν ἀωρίᾳ καὶ ἐκέκραξα, - 4
[aoria, f. - untimely death, unseasonable time]
εἰς τοὺς λόγους σου ἐπήλπισα.
προέφθασαν οἱ ὀφθαλμοί μου πρὸς ὄρθρον - 2
[orthros, m. daybreak, early dawn]
τοῦ μελετᾶν τὰ λόγιά σου. ◦
145-152 1.2/4 Praeveni in maturitate, et clamavi: - 4
quia in verba tua supersperavi.
Praevenerunt oculi mei ad te diluculo:
[diluculum, -i n - daybreak]
(diluceo, ere 2 - to be light enough
to distinguish objects apart)
ut meditarer eloquia tua. ◦
145-152 1.2/4 I rise before dawn and cry for help,
I hope in your word.
My eyes watch through the night
to ponder your promise. ◦
145-152 1.2/4 I face you in the cold night - 2
praying, waiting for your word.
I keep watch through the night,
repeating what you promise. ◦
145-152 1.3/4 τῆς φωνῆς μου ἄκουσον, κύριε, - 4
κατὰ τὸ ἔλεός σου, κατὰ τὸ κρίμα σου ζῆσόν με.
προσήγγισαν οἱ καταδιώκοντές με ἀνομίᾳ,
ἀπὸ δὲ τοῦ νόμου σου ἐμακρύνθησαν. ◦
145-152 1.3/4 Vocem meam audi secundum misericordiam tuam, Domine: - 4
et secundum judicium tuum vivifica me.
Appropinquaverunt persequentes me iniquitati:
a lege autem tua longe facti sunt. ◦
145-152 1.3/4 In your love hear my voice, O Lord;
give me life by your decrees.
Those who harm me unjustly draw near;
they are far from your law. ◦
145-152 1.3/4 Hear me, loving God, - 2
let your justice make me live.
The wicked close in on me;
to them your law is foreign. ◦
145-152 1.4/4 ἐγγὺς εἶ σύ, κύριε, - 4
καὶ πᾶσαι αἱ ἐντολαί σου ἀλήθεια.
κατ᾽ ἀρχὰς ἔγνων ἐκ τῶν μαρτυρίων σου,
ὅτι εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα ἐθεμελίωσας αὐτά. #
145-152 1.4/4 Prope es tu, Domine: - 4
et omnes viae tuae veritas.
Initio cognovi de testimoniis tuis:
quia in aeternum fundasti ea. #
145-152 1.4/4 But you, O Lord, are close;
your commands are truth.
Long have I known that your will
145-152 1.4/4 But you, Lord, are closer still, - 2
your law is my whole truth,
learned when I was young,
fixed for all time. #
δόξα καὶ τιμὴ καὶ λατρεῖα, - 4
σοι, καὶ Χριστῷ, καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria, honor, et latria, - 4
Tibi, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory, honor, and adoration - 4
to you, to Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
1 - Lord, I cry to you for help; / I trust in your promise.
Dec 21-24 This is the good news the prophets foretold; / the Savior will be born of the Virgin Mary.
Dec 26-27 Joseph and Mary, the mother of Jesus, / were filled with wonder at all that was said of the child.
Lent The time of penance has come, / the time to atone for our sins and to seek salvation.
Easter [3] Christ has risen from the dead / and will never die again, / alleluia.
2. Ps 94 ----5 - community lament [7] [sat prime]
Ψαλμὸς τῷ Δαυιδ, τετράδι σαββάτων.
Psalmus ipsi David, quarta sabbati.
NJBC: “God of vengeance”; “render” or “return” occurs three times.
Grail: God, the judge and vindicator. Is it all worthwhile, we must sometimes ask ourselves; religion doesn’t seem to make much difference, certainly doesn’t seem to make us any happier. But in spite of all difficulties, we know that God does care. God has redeemed us. And if we believe in redemption, then we must believe in judgment. God cares for us, and God cares about us; what we do does matter. But the difficulties are still there, and we need this vehement act of faith in God who cares.
God punishes wicked conduct, and has called you to share holiness. You must have nothing to do with impurity. (I Th 4,6-7)
2 - The Lord knows how fleeting / are human thoughts.
Dec 21-24 [4] The angel Gabriel said to Mary in greeting: / Hail, full of grace. / The Lord is with you./ Blessed are you among women.
Dec 26-27 Mary treasured all these words, / and pondered them in her heart.
Lent [3] As I live, says the Lord, / I do not wish the sinner to die / but to turn back to me and live.
Easter [3] He was handed over to death for our sins; / and was raised to life to justify us, / alleluia.
94a 2.1/7 ῾Ο θεὸς ἐκδικήσεων κύριος, - 4
ὁ θεὸς ἐκδικήσεων ἐπαρρησιάσατο.
ὑψώθητι, ὁ κρίνων τὴν γῆν,
ἀπόδος ἀνταπόδοσιν τοῖς ὑπερηφάνοις. ◦
94a 2.1/7 Deus ultionum Dominus; - 4
Deus ultionum libere egit.
Exaltare, qui judicas terram;
redde retributionem superbis. ◦
94a 2.1/7 O Lord, avenging God,
avenging God, appear!
Judge of the earth, arise,
give the proud what they deserve! ◦
94a 2.1/7 Lord, avenging God, - 4
avenging God, reveal yourself!
Rise up, judge of the earth,
give the arrogant what they deserve. ◦
94a 2.2/7 ἕως πότε ἁμαρτωλοί, κύριε, - 4
ἕως πότε ἁμαρτωλοὶ καυχήσονται,
φθέγξονται καὶ λαλήσουσιν ἀδικίαν,
λαλήσουσιν πάντες οἱ ἐργαζόμενοι τὴν ἀνομίαν; ◦
94a 2.2/7 Usquequo peccatores, Domine, - 4
usquequo peccatores gloriabuntur;
effabuntur et loquentur iniquitatem;
[effor, -atus 1 - to speak out (an old religious word)]
loquentur omnes qui operantur injustitiam? ◦
94a 2.2/7 How long, O Lord, shall the wicked,
how long shall the wicked triumph?
They bluster with arrogant speech;
the evil-doers boast to each other. ◦
94a 2.2/7 How long, God, how long - 3
will the wicked strut around?
They bluster and boast,
flaunting their devious ways. ◦
94a 2.3/7 τὸν λαόν σου, κύριε, ἐταπείνωσαν - 4
καὶ τὴν κληρονομίαν σου ἐκάκωσαν
χήραν καὶ προσήλυτον ἀπέκτειναν
καὶ ὀρφανοὺς ἐφόνευσαν //
καὶ εἶπαν Οὐκ ὄψεται κύριος, - 2
οὐδὲ συνήσει ὁ θεὸς τοῦ Ιακωβ. ◦
94a 2.3/7 Populum tuum, Domine, humiliaverunt, - 3
et hæreditatem tuam vexaverunt.
Viduam et advenam interfecerunt, et pupillos occiderunt. //
Et dixerunt: Non videbit Dominus, - 2
nec intelliget Deus Jacob. ◦
94a 2.3/7 They crush your people, Lord,
they afflict the ones you have chosen
They kill the widow and the stranger
and murder the fatherless child.
And they say: “The Lord does not see;
the God of Jacob pays no heed.” ◦
94a 2.3/7 Lord, they trample your people, - 4
they wreck your heritage.
They kill widows and strangers,
they murder orphans.
“The Lord is blind,” they say.
“The God of Jacob sees nothing.” ◦
94a 2.4/7 σύνετε δή, ἄφρονες ἐν τῷ λαῷ, - 4
καί, μωροί, ποτὲ φρονήσατε.
ὁ φυτεύσας τὸ οὖς οὐχὶ ἀκούει,
ἢ ὁ πλάσας τὸν ὀφθαλμὸν οὐ κατανοεῖ; ◦
94a 2.4/7 Intelligite, insipientes in populo; - 4
et stulti, aliquando sapite.
Qui plantavit aurem non audiet?
aut qui finxit oculum non considerat? ◦
94a 2.4/7 Mark this, most senseless of people;
fools, when will you understand?
Can he who made the ear, not hear?
Can he who formed the eye, not see? ◦
94a 2.4/7 Take note, you fools, - 4
you stupid people!
When will you understand?
Does God, who made ears, not hear?
Does God, who made eyes, not see? ◦
94a 2.5/7 ὁ παιδεύων ἔθνη οὐχὶ ἐλέγξει, - 4
ὁ διδάσκων ἄνθρωπον γνῶσιν,
κύριος γινώσκει τοὺς διαλογισμοὺς τῶν ἀνθρώπων
ὅτι εἰσὶν μάταιοι. ◦
94a 2.5/7 Qui corripit gentes non arguet, - 4
qui docet hominem scientiam?
Dominus scit cogitationes hominum,
quoniam vanæ sunt. ◦
94a 2.5/7 Will he who corrects nations, not punish?
Will he who teaches men, not have knowledge?
The Lord knows the thoughts of men.
He knows they are no more than a breath. ◦
94a 2.5/7 Does God, who corrects the nations, not punish? - 4
who teaches humankind, lack knowledge?
The Lord knows our thoughts,
knows how empty they are. ◦
94a 2.6/7 μακάριος ἄνθρωπος, ὃν ἂν σὺ παιδεύσῃς, κύριε, - 4
καὶ ἐκ τοῦ νόμου σου διδάξῃς αὐτὸν
τοῦ πραῧναι αὐτῷ ἀφ᾽ ἡμερῶν πονηρῶν,
ἕως οὗ ὀρυγῇ τῷ ἁμαρτωλῷ βόθρος. ◦
94a 2.6/7 Beatus homo quem tu erudieris, Domine, - 4
et de lege tua docueris eum:
ut mitiges ei a diebus malis,
donec fodiatur peccatori fovea. ◦
94a 2.6/7 Happy the man whom you teach, O Lord,
whom you train by means of your law:
to him you give peace in evil days
while the pit is being dug for the wicked. ◦
94a 2.6/7 Blest are those you instruct, O God, - 4
those you teach your law;
they find comfort in evil times,
till a grave is dug for the wicked. ◦
94a 2.7/7 ὅτι οὐκ ἀπώσεται κύριος τὸν λαὸν αὐτοῦ - 4
καὶ τὴν κληρονομίαν αὐτοῦ οὐκ ἐγκαταλείψει,
ἕως οὗ δικαιοσύνη ἐπιστρέψῃ εἰς κρίσιν
καὶ ἐχόμενοι αὐτῆς πάντες οἱ εὐθεῖς τῇ καρδίᾳ. # - >
94a 2.7/7 Quia non repellet Dominus plebem suam, - 4
et hæreditatem suam non derelinquet,
quoadusque justitia convertatur in judicium:
et qui juxta illam, omnes qui recto sunt corde. # - >
94a 2.7/7 The Lord will not abandon his people
nor forsake those who are his own:
for judgment shall again be just
and all true hearts shall uphold it. # - >
94a 2.7/7 You never desert your people, Lord, - 4
never abandon your chosen.
Right and justice will return,
bringing peace to the honest. # - >
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri et Filio / et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, - 4
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
2 - The Lord knows how fleeting / are human thoughts.
Dec 21-24 [4] The angel Gabriel said to Mary in greeting: / Hail, full of grace. / The Lord is with you./ Blessed are you among women.
Dec 26-27 Mary treasured all these words, / and pondered them in her heart.
Lent [3] As I live, says the Lord, / I do not wish the sinner to die / but to turn back to me and live.
Easter [3] He was handed over to death for our sins; / and was raised to life to justify us, / alleluia.
3 - >----5 - community lament [4]
3 - The Lord has become my stronghold, / in whom I put my trust.
Dec 21-24 [4] Mary said: My soul is deeply troubled. / What can this greeting mean? / Am I to give birth to my Savior / and yet remain a virgin forever?
Dec 26-27 My own eyes have seen the salvation / which you have prepared in the sight of every people.
Lent Armed with God’s justice and power, / let us prove ourselves through patient endurance.
Easter [3] Since you have been raised to life with Christ, / seek the things that are above, / alleluia.
94b 3.1/4 τίς ἀναστήσεταί μοι ἐπὶ πονηρευομένους, - 4
ἢ τίς συμπαραστήσεταί μοι ἐπὶ ἐργαζομένους τὴν ἀνομίαν;
εἰ μὴ ὅτι κύριος ἐβοήθησέν μοι,
παρὰ βραχὺ παρῴκησεν τῷ ᾅδῃ ἡ ψυχή μου. ◦
94b 3.1/4 Quis consurget mihi adversus malignantes? - 4
aut quis stabit mecum adversus operantes iniquitatem?
Nisi quia Dominus adjuvit me,
paulominus habitasset in inferno anima mea. ◦
94b 3.1/4 Who will stand up for me against the wicked?
Who will defend me from those who do evil?
If the Lord were not to help me,
I would soon go down into the silence. ◦
94b 3.1/4 Who speaks for me against the wicked? - 4
Who sides with me against evildoers?
Without your help, O Lord,
I would lie silent in the grave. ◦
94.b 3.2/4 εἰ ἔλεγον Σεσάλευται ὁ πούς μου, - 4
τὸ ἔλεός σου, κύριε, βοηθεῖ μοι·
κύριε, κατὰ τὸ πλῆθος τῶν ὀδυνῶν μου ἐν τῇ καρδίᾳ μου
αἱ παρακλήσεις σου ἠγάπησαν τὴν ψυχήν μου. ◦
94.b 3.2/4 Si dicebam: Motus est pes meus: - 4
misericordia tua, Domine, adjuvabat me.
Secundum multitudinem dolorum meorum in corde meo,
consolationes tuæ lætificaverunt animam meam. ◦
94b 3.2/4 When I think: “I have lost my foothold,”
your mercy, Lord, holds me up.
When cares increase in my heart
your consolation calms my soul. ◦
94.b 3.2/4 When I feel myself slipping, - 4
your love supports me, Lord.
When I am weighed down by worries,
your care lifts my spirit. ◦
94.b 3.3/4 μὴ συμπροσέσται σοι θρόνος ἀνομίας, - 4
ὁ πλάσσων κόπον ἐπὶ προστάγματι;
θηρεύσουσιν ἐπὶ ψυχὴν δικαίου
καὶ αἷμα ἀθῷον καταδικάσονται. ◦
94.b 3.3/4 Numquid adhæret tibi sedes iniquitatis, - 4
qui fingis laborem in præcepto?
Captabunt in animam justi,
et sanguinem innocentem condemnabunt. ◦
94b 3.3/4 Can judges who do evil be your friends?
They do injustice under cover of law;
they attack the life of the just
and condemn innocent blood. ◦
94.b 3.3/4 Do you side with corrupt officials, - 4
who use law to burden others?
They plot against the just,
condemning the innocent to death. ◦
94.b 3.4/4 καὶ ἐγένετό μοι κύριος εἰς καταφυγὴν - 3
καὶ ὁ θεός μου εἰς βοηθὸν ἐλπίδος μου·
καὶ ἀποδώσει αὐτοῖς τὴν ἀνομίαν αὐτῶν, //
καὶ κατὰ τὴν πονηρίαν αὐτῶν - 2
ἀφανιεῖ αὐτοὺς κύριος ὁ θεὸς ἡμῶν. #
94.b 3.4/4 Et factus est mihi Dominus in refugium, - 4
et Deus meus in adjutorium spei meæ.
Et reddet illis iniquitatem ipsorum, et in malitia eorum disperdet eos:
disperdet illos Dominus Deus noster. #
94b 3.4/4 As for me, the Lord will be a stronghold;
my God will be the rock where I take refuge.
He will repay them for their wickedness,
destroy them for their evil deeds.
The Lord, our God, will destroy them. #
94.b 3.4/4 You, Lord, my strength, - 4
my God, my rock of safety,
you turn their evil against them;
their own deeds destroy them.
The Lord, our God, destroys them. #
δόξα καὶ τιμὴ καὶ λατρεῖα, - 4
σοι, καὶ Χριστῷ, καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria, honor, et latria, - 4
Tibi, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory, honor, and adoration - 4
to you, to Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
3 - The Lord has become my stronghold, / in whom I put my trust.
Dec 21-24 [4] Mary said: My soul is deeply troubled. / What can this greeting mean? / Am I to give birth to my Savior / and yet remain a virgin forever?
Dec 26-27 My own eyes have seen the salvation / which you have prepared in the sight of every people.
Lent Armed with God’s justice and power, / let us prove ourselves through patient endurance.
Easter [3] Since you have been raised to life with Christ, / seek the things that are above, / alleluia.
Office of Readings
1 - Ps 103 ----1 - hymn [2] [6] [2] [sat compl]
Τῷ Δαυιδ.
Ipsi David
NJBC: thanksgiving, maybe from illness; allusion to Is 40; invites whole heavenly host to join
Grail: Praise of God’s love. The Christian lives joyfully in the paradox that our God is higher than the heavens, and yet is close to us in love and mercy. Our gratitude for God’s mercy to us merges naturally into a hymn of praise for God’s greatness; and when we think how great God is, it is not to think how far away God is but how much God loves us to come down to us.
In the tender compassion of our God, the dawn from on high shall break upon us. (Lk 1,78)
1 - Bless the Lord, my soul; / never forget all God has done for you.
Dec 21-24 [3] This is our heavenly Savior; / who comes with love and mercy to save the nations, / alleluia.
Dec 26 [3] Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, / looked to heaven and saw the glory of God, / and Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father.
Dec 27 John gave testimony to the Word of God; / he gave witness to Jesus Christ whom he had seen.
Lent [3] Earthly kings rise up in revolt; / princes conspire together / against the Lord and the Anointed.
Easter [3] Mary Magdalene and the other Mary / came to see the Lord’s tomb, / alleluia.
103a 1.1/2 Εὐλόγει, ἡ ψυχή μου, τὸν κύριον - 4
καί, πάντα τὰ ἐντός μου, τὸ ὄνομα τὸ ἅγιον αὐτοῦ·
εὐλόγει, ἡ ψυχή μου, τὸν κύριον
καὶ μὴ ἐπιλανθάνου πάσας τὰς ἀνταποδόσεις αὐτοῦ· ◦
103a 1.1/2 Benedic, anima mea, Domino, - 4
et omnia quæ intra me sunt nomini sancto ejus.
Benedic, anima mea, Domino,
et noli oblivisci omnes retributiones ejus. ◦
103ac 1.1/2 My soul, give thanks to the Lord,
all my being, bless his holy name.
My soul, give thanks to the Lord
and never forget all his blessings. ◦
103a 1.1/2 My soul, bless the Lord, - 4
bless God’s holy name!
My soul, bless the Lord,
hold dear all God’s gifts! ◦
103a 1.2/2 τὸν εὐιλατεύοντα πάσαις ταῖς ἀνομίαις σου, - 4
τὸν ἰώμενον πάσας τὰς νόσους σου·
τὸν λυτρούμενον ἐκ φθορᾶς τὴν ζωήν σου,
τὸν στεφανοῦντά σε ἐν ἐλέει καὶ οἰκτιρμοῖς· //
τὸν ἐμπιπλῶντα ἐν ἀγαθοῖς τὴν ἐπιθυμίαν σου, - 2
ἀνακαινισθήσεται ὡς ἀετοῦ ἡ νεότης σου. # - >
103a 1.2/2 Qui propitiatur omnibus iniquitatibus tuis; - 4
qui sanat omnes infirmitates tuas:
qui redimit de interitu vitam tuam;
qui coronat te in misericordia et miserationibus: //
qui replet in bonis desiderium tuum; - 2
renovabitur ut aquilæ juventus tua: # - >
103ac 1.2/2 It is he who forgives all your guilt,
who heals every one of your ills,
who redeems your life from the grave,
who crowns you with love and compassion,
who fills your life with good things,
renewing your youth like an eagle’s. # - >
103a 1.2/2 Bless God, who forgives your sin - 4
and heals every illness,
who snatches you from death
and enfolds you with tender care,
who fills your life with richness
and gives you an eagle’s strength. # - >
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri et Filio / et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, - 4
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
1 - Bless the Lord, my soul; / never forget all God has done for you.
Dec 21-24 [3] This is our heavenly Savior; / who comes with love and mercy to save the nations, / alleluia.
Dec 26 [3] Stephen, filled with the Holy Spirit, / looked to heaven and saw the glory of God, / and Jesus standing at the right hand of the Father.
Dec 27 John gave testimony to the Word of God; / he gave witness to Jesus Christ whom he had seen.
Lent [3] Earthly kings rise up in revolt; / princes conspire together / against the Lord and the Anointed.
Easter [3] Mary Magdalene and the other Mary / came to see the Lord’s tomb, / alleluia.
2 - >-----1 - hymn [6]
2 - As a parent is gentle with children, / so is the Lord with those who revere.
Dec 21-24 [4] Daughters and sons of Jerusalem, rejoice and be glad; / your Savior will come to you. / Zion, do not fear; / he hastens on his way.
Dec 26 Stephen fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice: / Lord Jesus, do not hold this sin against them.
Dec 27 This is the disciple / whom Jesus loved.
Lent They divided my garments among them; / they cast lots for my clothing.
Easter Come and see the place where the Lord was buried, / alleluia.
103b 2.1/6 ποιῶν ἐλεημοσύνας ὁ κύριος - 4
καὶ κρίμα πᾶσι τοῖς ἀδικουμένοις.
ἐγνώρισεν τὰς ὁδοὺς αὐτοῦ τῷ Μωυσῇ,
τοῖς υἱοῖς Ισραηλ τὰ θελήματα αὐτοῦ. ◦
103b 2.1/6 faciens misericordias Dominus, - 4
et judicium omnibus injuriam patientibus.
Notas fecit vias suas Moysi;
filiis Israël voluntates suas. ◦
103bc 2.1/6 The Lord does deeds of justice,
gives judgment for all who are oppressed.
He made known his ways to Moses
and his deeds to Israel’s sons. ◦
103b 2.1/6 The Lord, who works justice - 2
and defends the oppressed,
teaches Moses and Israel
divine ways and deeds. ◦
103b 2.2/6 οἰκτίρμων καὶ ἐλεήμων ὁ κύριος, - 4
μακρόθυμος καὶ πολυέλεος·
οὐκ εἰς τέλος ὀργισθήσεται
οὐδὲ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα μηνιεῖ· //
οὐ κατὰ τὰς ἁμαρτίας ἡμῶν ἐποίησεν ἡμῖν - 2
οὐδὲ κατὰ τὰς ἀνομίας ἡμῶν ἀνταπέδωκεν ἡμῖν ◦
103b 2.2/6 Miserator et misericors Dominus: - 4
longanimis, et multum misericors.
Non in perpetuum irascetur,
neque in æternum comminabitur. //
[comminor, -atus 1 - dep - to threaten someone]
Non secundum peccata nostra fecit nobis, - 2
neque secundum iniquitates nostras retribuit nobis. ◦
103bc 2.2/6 The Lord is compassion and love,
slow to anger and rich in mercy.
His wrath will come to an end;
he will not be angry for ever.
He does not treat us according to our sins
nor repay us according to our faults. ◦
103b 2.2/6 The Lord is tender and caring, - 4
slow to anger, rich in love.
God will not accuse us long,
nor bring our sins to trial,
nor exact from us in kind
what our sins deserve. ◦
103b 2.3/6 ὅτι κατὰ τὸ ὕψος τοῦ οὐρανοῦ ἀπὸ τῆς γῆς - 4
ἐκραταίωσεν κύριος τὸ ἔλεος αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ τοὺς φοβουμένους αὐτόν·
καθ᾽ ὅσον ἀπέχουσιν ἀνατολαὶ ἀπὸ δυσμῶν,
ἐμάκρυνεν ἀφ᾽ ἡμῶν τὰς ἀνομίας ἡμῶν. ◦
103b 2.3/6 Quoniam secundum altitudinem cæli a terra, - 4
corroboravit misericordiam suam super timentes se;
quantum distat ortus ab occidente,
longe fecit a nobis iniquitates nostras. ◦
103bc 2.3/6 For as the heavens are high above the earth
so strong is his love for those who fear him.
As far as the east is from the west
so far does he remove our sins. ◦
103b 2.3/6 As high as heaven above earth, - 4
so great is God’s love for believers.
As far as east from west,
so God removes our sins. ◦
103b 2.4/6 καθὼς οἰκτίρει πατὴρ υἱούς, - 4
οἰκτίρησεν κύριος τοὺς φοβουμένους αὐτόν,
ὅτι αὐτὸς ἔγνω τὸ πλάσμα ἡμῶν·
μνήσθητι ὅτι χοῦς ἐσμεν. ◦
103b 2.4/6 Quomodo miseretur pater filiorum, - 4
misertus est Dominus timentibus se.
Quoniam ipse cognovit figmentum nostrum;
recordatus est quoniam pulvis sumus. ◦
103bc 2.4/6 As a father has compassion on his sons,
the Lord has pity on those who fear him;
for he knows of what we are made,
he remembers that we are dust. ◦
103b 2.4/6 As tender as parent to child, - 4
so gentle is God to believers.
The Lord knows how we are made,
remembers we are dust. ◦
103b 2.5/6 ἄνθρωπος, ὡσεὶ χόρτος αἱ ἡμέραι αὐτοῦ· - 4
ὡσεὶ ἄνθος τοῦ ἀγροῦ, οὕτως ἐξανθήσει·
ὅτι πνεῦμα διῆλθεν ἐν αὐτῷ, καὶ οὐχ ὑπάρξει
καὶ οὐκ ἐπιγνώσεται ἔτι τὸν τόπον αὐτοῦ. ◦
103b 2.5/6 Homo, sicut fœnum dies ejus; - 4
tamquam flos agri, sic efflorebit:
quoniam spiritus pertransibit in illo, et non subsistet,
et non cognoscet amplius locum suum. ◦
103bc 2.5/6 As for man, his days are like grass;
he flowers like the flower of the field;
the wind blows and he is gone
and his place never sees him again. ◦
103b 2.5/6 Our days pass by like grass, - 4
our prime like a flower in bloom.
A wind comes, the flower goes,
empty now its place. ◦
103b 2.6/6 τὸ δὲ ἔλεος τοῦ κυρίου ἀπὸ τοῦ αἰῶνος καὶ ἕως τοῦ αἰῶνος - 3
ἐπὶ τοὺς φοβουμένους αὐτόν,
καὶ ἡ δικαιοσύνη αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ υἱοὺς υἱῶν //
τοῖς φυλάσσουσιν τὴν διαθήκην αὐτοῦ - 2
καὶ μεμνημένοις τῶν ἐντολῶν αὐτοῦ τοῦ ποιῆσαι αὐτάς. # - >
103b 2.6/6 Misericordia autem Domini ab æterno, - 3
et usque in æternum super timentes eum.
Et justitia illius in filios filiorum, //
his qui servant testamentum ejus, - 2
et memores sunt mandatorum ipsius ad faciendum ea. # - >
103bc 2.6/6 But the love of the Lord is everlasting
upon those who hold him in fear;
his justice reaches out to children’s children
when they keep his covenant in truth,
when they keep his will in their mind. # - >
103b 2.6/6 God’s love is from all ages, - 4
God’s justice beyond all time
for believers of each generation:
those who keep the covenant,
who take care to live the law. # - >
δόξα καὶ τιμὴ καὶ λατρεῖα, - 4
σοι, καὶ Χριστῷ, καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria, honor, et latria, - 4
Tibi, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory, honor, and adoration - 4
to you, to Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
2 - As a parent is gentle with children, / so is the Lord with those who revere.
Dec 21-24 [4] Daughters and sons of Jerusalem, rejoice and be glad; / your Savior will come to you. / Zion, do not fear; / he hastens on his way.
Dec 26 Stephen fell to his knees and cried out in a loud voice: / Lord Jesus, do not hold this sin against them.
Dec 27 This is the disciple / whom Jesus loved.
Lent They divided my garments among them; / they cast lots for my clothing.
Easter Come and see the place where the Lord was buried, / alleluia.
3 - >-----1 - hymn [2]
3 - Bless the Lord, / all you works of the Lord.
Dec 21-24 [4] Let us cleanse our hearts for the coming of our humble Savior, / that we may be ready to welcome him; / he is coming and will not delay, / Alleluia.
Dec 26 No one was able to resist the wisdom of blessed Stephen, / for the Holy Spirit spoke through him.
Dec 27 At the Last Supper John reclined close to the Lord; / blessed that apostle to whom the mysteries of heaven were revealed.
Lent They sought to take my life / by lies and violence.
Easter Jesus said: Do not be afraid. / Go and tell my brothers to set out for Galilee; / there they will see me, / alleluia.
103c 3.1/2 κύριος ἐν τῷ οὐρανῷ ἡτοίμασεν τὸν θρόνον αὐτοῦ, - 2
καὶ ἡ βασιλεία αὐτοῦ πάντων δεσπόζει. //
εὐλογεῖτε τὸν κύριον, πάντες οἱ ἄγγελοι αὐτοῦ, - 3
δυνατοὶ ἰσχύι ποιοῦντες τὸν λόγον αὐτοῦ
τοῦ ἀκοῦσαι τῆς φωνῆς τῶν λόγων αὐτοῦ· ◦
103c 3.1/2 Dominus in cælo paravit sedem suam, - 2
et regnum ipsius omnibus dominabitur. //
Benedicite Domino, omnes angeli ejus: - 3
potentes virtute, facientes verbum illius,
ad audiendam vocem sermonum ejus. ◦
103cc 3.1/2 The Lord has set his sway in heaven
and his kingdom is ruling over all.
Give thanks to the Lord, all his angels,
mighty in power, fulfilling his word,
who heed the voice of his word. ◦
103c 3.1/2 The Lord reigns from heaven, - 4
rules over all there is.
Bless the Lord, you angels,
strong and quick to obey,
attending to God’s word. ◦
103c 3.2/2 εὐλογεῖτε τὸν κύριον, πᾶσαι αἱ δυνάμεις αὐτοῦ, - 2
λειτουργοὶ αὐτοῦ ποιοῦντες τὸ θέλημα αὐτοῦ· //
εὐλογεῖτε τὸν κύριον, πάντα τὰ ἔργα αὐτοῦ - 3
ἐν παντὶ τόπῳ τῆς δεσποτείας αὐτοῦ·
εὐλόγει, ἡ ψυχή μου, τὸν κύριον. #
103c 3.2/2 Benedicite Domino, omnes virtutes ejus; - 3
ministri ejus, qui facitis voluntatem ejus.
Benedicite Domino, omnia opera ejus: //
in omni loco dominationis ejus, - 2
benedic, anima mea, Domino. #
103cc 3.2/2 Give thanks to the Lord, all his hosts,
his servants who do his will.
Give thanks to the Lord, all his works,
in every place where he rules.
My soul, give thanks to the Lord! #
103c 3.2/2 Bless the Lord, you powers, - 4
eager to serve God’s will.
Bless the Lord, you creatures,
everywhere under God’s rule.
My soul, bless the Lord! #
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri et Filio / et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, - 4
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
3 - Bless the Lord, / all you works of the Lord.
Dec 21-24 [4] Let us cleanse our hearts for the coming of our humble Savior, / that we may be ready to welcome him; / he is coming and will not delay, / Alleluia.
Dec 26 No one was able to resist the wisdom of blessed Stephen, / for the Holy Spirit spoke through him.
Dec 27 At the Last Supper John reclined close to the Lord; / blessed that apostle to whom the mysteries of heaven were revealed.
Lent They sought to take my life / by lies and violence.
Easter Jesus said: Do not be afraid. / Go and tell my brothers to set out for Galilee; / there they will see me, / alleluia.
Evening Prayer
12/21/1963 - + Optatus Loeffler
12/21/1993 - + Clarence Chambers
12/22/2005 - + Jim Finn
12/25/1989 - + Oswin Kemner
1. Ps 139:1-12 ----8 - wisdom/historical [5] [6] [6]
Εἰς τὸ τέλος· ψαλμὸς τῷ Δαυιδ.
In finem, psalmus David
NJBC: searching and knowing God’s ways at beginning & end of psalm; exquisite poetry; God knows us intimately
Grail: The Hound of Heaven. Our thoughts may sweep and soar over all the world, over the bewildering profusion of the galaxies, and know that God is there, wherever our mind’s eye looks—and that God is also in the depths of our own soul.
Who has known the mind of God, or who has been God’s counselor? (Rom 11,34)
1. Lord, how wonderful is your wisdom, / so far beyond my understanding.
Dec 17-23 The Lord , the mighty God, / will come from Zion to set the people free..
Dec 24 EP I Christmas
Dec 26-27 [4] You have been endowed from your birth with princely gifts; / in eternal splendor, / before the dawn of light on earth, / I have begotten you.
Lent 0 Worship your Lord; / serve God alone.
Lent 4 God has appointed Christ / to be the judge of the living and the dead.
Easter 4 The night will be as clear as day, / alleluia.
139a 1.1/7 Κύριε, ἐδοκίμασάς με καὶ ἔγνως με· - 3
σὺ ἔγνως τὴν καθέδραν μου καὶ τὴν ἔγερσίν μου,
σὺ συνῆκας τοὺς διαλογισμούς μου ἀπὸ μακρόθεν· //
τὴν τρίβον μου καὶ τὴν σχοῖνόν μου σὺ ἐξιχνίασας - 2
καὶ πάσας τὰς ὁδούς μου προεῖδες. ◦
139a 1.1/7 Domine, probasti me, et cognovisti me; - 3
tu cognovisti sessionem meam et resurrectionem meam.
Intellexisti cogitationes meas de longe; //
semitam meam et funiculum meum investigasti: - 2
et omnes vias meas prævidisti, ◦
139a 1.1/5 O Lord, you search me and you know me,
you know my resting and my rising,
you discern my purpose from afar.
You mark when I walk or lie down,
all my ways lie open to you. ◦
139a 1.1/7 You search me, Lord, and know me.- 4
Wherever I sit or stand,
you read my inmost thoughts;
whenever I walk or rest,
you know where I have been. ◦
139a 1.2/7 ὅτι οὐκ ἔστιν λόγος ἐν γλώσσῃ μου, - 4
ἰδού, κύριε, σὺ ἔγνως πάντα,
τὰ ἔσχατα καὶ τὰ ἀρχαῖα·
σὺ ἔπλασάς με καὶ ἔθηκας ἐπ᾽ ἐμὲ τὴν χεῖρά σου. //
ἐθαυμαστώθη ἡ γνῶσίς σου ἐξ ἐμοῦ· - 2
ἐκραταιώθη, οὐ μὴ δύνωμαι πρὸς αὐτήν. ◦
139a 1.3/7 quia non est sermo in lingua mea. - 4
Ecce, Domine, tu cognovisti omnia,
novissima et antiqua.
Tu formasti me, et posuisti super me manum tuam. //
Mirabilis facta est scientia tua ex me; - 2
confortata est, et non potero ad eam. ◦
139a 1.2/5 Before ever a word is on my tongue
you know it, O Lord, through and through.
Behind and before you besiege me,
your hand ever laid upon me.
Too wonderful for me, this knowledge,
too high, beyond my reach. ◦
139a 1.3/7 Before a word slips from my tongue, - 4
Lord, you know what I will say.
You close in on me,
pressing your hand upon me.
All this overwhelms me
too much to understand! ◦
139a 1.5/7 ποῦ πορευθῶ ἀπὸ τοῦ πνεύματός σου - 4
καὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ προσώπου σου ποῦ φύγω;
ἐὰν ἀναβῶ εἰς τὸν οὐρανόν, σὺ εἶ ἐκεῖ·
ἐὰν καταβῶ εἰς τὸν ᾅδην, πάρει· ◦
139a 1.5/7 Quo ibo a spiritu tuo? - 4
et quo a facie tua fugiam?
Si ascendero in cælum, tu illic es;
si descendero in infernum, ades. ◦
139a 1.3/5 O where can I go from your spirit,
or where can I flee from your face?
If I climb the heavens, you are there.
If I lie in the grave, you are there. ◦
139a 1.5/7 Where can I hide from you? - 4
How can I escape your presence?
I scale the heavens, you are there!
I plunge to the depths, you are there! ◦
139a 1.6/7 ἐὰν ἀναλάβοιμι τὰς πτέρυγάς μου κατ᾽ ὄρθρον - 4
καὶ κατασκηνώσω εἰς τὰ ἔσχατα τῆς θαλάσσης,
καὶ γὰρ ἐκεῖ ἡ χείρ σου ὁδηγήσει με,
καὶ καθέξει με ἡ δεξιά σου. ◦
139a 1.6/7 Si sumpsero pennas meas diluculo, - 4
et habitavero in extremis maris,
etenim illuc manus tua deducet me,
et tenebit me dextera tua. ◦
139a 1.4/5 If I take the wings of the dawn
and dwell at the sea’s furthest end,
even there your hand would lead me,
your right hand would hold me fast. ◦
139a 1.6/7 If I fly toward the dawn, - 4
or settle across the sea,
even there you take hold of me,
your right hand directs me. ◦
139a 1.7/7 καὶ εἶπα ῎Αρα σκότος καταπατήσει με, - 3
καὶ νὺξ φωτισμὸς ἐν τῇ τρυφῇ μου·
ὅτι σκότος οὐ σκοτισθήσεται ἀπὸ σοῦ, //
καὶ νὺξ ὡς ἡμέρα φωτισθήσεται· - 2
ὡς τὸ σκότος αὐτῆς, οὕτως καὶ τὸ φῶς αὐτῆς. # - >
139a 1.7/7 Et dixi: Forsitan tenebræ conculcabunt me; - 2
et nox illuminatio mea in deliciis meis. //
Quia tenebræ non obscurabuntur a te, - 3
et nox sicut dies illuminabitur:
sicut tenebræ ejus, ita et lumen ejus. # - >
139a 1.5/5 If I say: “Let the darkness hide me
and the light around me be night,”
even darkness is not dark for you
and the night is as clear as the day. # - >
139a 1.7/7 If I think night will hide me - 4
and darkness give me cover,
I find darkness is not dark.
For your night shines like day,
darkness and light are one. # - >
δόξα καὶ τιμὴ καὶ λατρεῖα, - 4
σοι, καὶ Χριστῷ, καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria, honor, et latria, - 4
Tibi, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory, honor, and adoration - 4
to you, to Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
1. Lord, how wonderful is your wisdom, / so far beyond my understanding.
Dec 17-23 The Lord , the mighty God, / will come from Zion to set the people free..
Dec 24 EP I Christmas
Dec 26-27 [4] You have been endowed from your birth with princely gifts; / in eternal splendor, / before the dawn of light on earth, / I have begotten you.
Lent 0 Worship your Lord; / serve God alone.
Lent 4 God has appointed Christ / to be the judge of the living and the dead.
Easter 4 The night will be as clear as day, / alleluia.
2. >-----8 - wisdom/historical [6]
2. [3] I am the Lord;/ I search the mind and probe the heart; / I give to all what their deeds deserve.
Dec 17-23 I shall not cease to plead for Zion / until God sends the Holy One in all his radiant beauty.
Dec 24 EP I Christmas
Dec 26-27 With the Lord is unfailing love; / great is God's power to save.
Lent 0 This is the time when you can win God’s favor, / the day when you can be saved.
Lent 4 Happy the ones who show mercy for the Lord’s sake; / they will stand firm forever.
Easter 4 I know my sheep and mine know me, / alleluia.
139b 2.1/6 ὅτι σὺ ἐκτήσω τοὺς νεφρούς μου, κύριε, - 3
ἀντελάβου μου ἐκ γαστρὸς μητρός μου.
ἐξομολογήσομαί σοι, ὅτι φοβερῶς ἐθαυμαστώθην· //
θαυμάσια τὰ ἔργα σου, - 2
καὶ ἡ ψυχή μου γινώσκει σφόδρα. ◦
139b 2.1/6 Quia tu possedisti renes meos; - 3
suscepisti me de utero matris meæ.
Confitebor tibi, quia terribiliter magnificatus es; //
mirabilia opera tua, - 2
et anima mea cognoscit nimis. ◦
139b 2.1/6 For it was you who created my being,
knit me together in my mother’s womb.
I thank you for the wonder of my being,
for the wonders of all your creation.
Already you knew my soul, ◦
139b 2.1/6 You created every part of me, - 4
knitting me in my mother’s womb.
For such handiwork, I praise you.
Awesome this great wonder!
I see it so clearly! ◦
139b 2.2/6 οὐκ ἐκρύβη τὸ ὀστοῦν μου ἀπὸ σοῦ, ὃ ἐποίησας ἐν κρυφῇ. - 3
καὶ ἡ ὑπόστασίς μου ἐν τοῖς κατωτάτοις τῆς γῆς·
τὸ ἀκατέργαστόν μου εἴδοσαν οἱ ὀφθαλμοί σου, ◦
139b 2.2/6 Non est occultatum os meum a te, quod fecisti in occulto; - 3
et substantia mea in inferioribus terræ.
Imperfectum meum viderunt oculi tui, ◦
139b 2.2/6 my body held no secret from you
when I was being fashioned in secret
and molded in the depths of the earth.
Your eyes saw all my actions, ◦
139b 2.2/6 You watched every bone - 3
taking shape in secret,
forming in the hidden depths.
You saw my body grow
according to your design. ◦
139b 2.3/6 καὶ ἐπὶ τὸ βιβλίον σου πάντες γραφήσονται· - 4
ἡμέρας πλασθήσονται, καὶ οὐθεὶς ἐν αὐτοῖς.
ἐμοὶ δὲ λίαν ἐτιμήθησαν οἱ φίλοι σου, ὁ θεός,
λίαν ἐκραταιώθησαν αἱ ἀρχαὶ αὐτῶν· //
ἐξαριθμήσομαι αὐτούς, καὶ ὑπὲρ ἄμμον πληθυνθήσονται· - 2
ἐξηγέρθην καὶ ἔτι εἰμὶ μετὰ σοῦ. ◦
139b 2.3/6 et in libro tuo omnes scribentur. - 4
Dies formabuntur, et nemo in eis.
Mihi autem nimis honorificati sunt amici tui, Deus;
nimis confortatus est principatus eorum. //
Dinumerabo eos, et super arenam multiplicabuntur. - 2
Exsurrexi, et adhuc sum tecum. ◦
139b 2.3/6 they were all of them written in your book;
every one of my days was decreed
before one of them came into being.
To me, how mysterious your thoughts,
the sum of them not to be numbered!
If I count them, they are more than the sand;
to finish, I must be eternal, like you. ◦
139b 2.3/6 You recorded all my days - 4
before they ever began.
How deep are your thoughts!
How vast their sum!
like countless grains of sand,
well beyond my grasp. ◦
139b 2.4/6 ἐὰν ἀποκτείνῃς ἁμαρτωλούς, ὁ θεός, - 4
ἄνδρες αἱμάτων, ἐκκλίνατε ἀπ᾽ ἐμοῦ.
ὅτι ἐρεῖς εἰς διαλογισμόν·
λήμψονται εἰς ματαιότητα τὰς πόλεις σου. ◦
139b 2.4/6 Si occideris, Deus, peccatores, - 4
viri sanguinum, declinate a me:
quia dicitis in cogitatione:
Accipient in vanitate civitates tuas. ◦
139b 2.4/6 O God, that you would slay the wicked!
Men of blood, keep far away from me!
With deceit they rebel against you
and set your designs at naught. ◦
139b 2.4/6 Lord, destroy the wicked, - 4
save me from killers.
They plot evil schemes,
they blaspheme against you. ◦
139b 2.5/6 οὐχὶ τοὺς μισοῦντάς σε, κύριε, ἐμίσησα - 4
καὶ ἐπὶ τοῖς ἐχθροῖς σου ἐξετηκόμην;
τέλειον μῖσος ἐμίσουν αὐτούς,
εἰς ἐχθροὺς ἐγένοντό μοι. ◦
139b 2.5/6 Nonne qui oderunt te, Domine, oderam, - 4
et super inimicos tuos tabescebam?
[tabesco, -bui 3 - to melt away]
[tabes, -is f - a melting, consumption]
Perfecto odio oderam illos,
et inimici facti sunt mihi. ◦
139b 2.5/6 Do I not hate those who hate you,
abhor those who rise against you?
I hate them with a perfect hate
and they are foes to me. ◦
139b 2.5/6 How I hate those who hate you! - 3
How I detest those who defy you!
I hate with a deadly hate
these enemies of mine. ◦
139b 2.6/6 δοκίμασόν με, ὁ θεός, καὶ γνῶθι τὴν καρδίαν μου, - 4
ἔτασόν με καὶ γνῶθι τὰς τρίβους μου
καὶ ἰδὲ εἰ ὁδὸς ἀνομίας ἐν ἐμοί,
καὶ ὁδήγησόν με ἐν ὁδῷ αἰωνίᾳ. #
139b 2.6/6 Proba me, Deus, et scito cor meum; - 4
interroga me, et cognosce semitas meas.
Et vide si via iniquitatis in me est,
et deduc me in via æterna. #
139b 2.6/6 O search me, God, and know my heart.
O test me and know my thoughts.
See that I follow not the wrong path
and lead me in the path of life eternal. ◦
139b 2.6/6 Search my heart, probe me, God! - 4
Test and judge my thoughts.
Look! do I follow crooked paths?
Lead me along your ancient way. #
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri et Filio / et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, - 4
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
2. [3] I am the Lord;/ I search the mind and probe the heart; / I give to all what their deeds deserve.
Dec 17-23 I shall not cease to plead for Zion / until God sends the Holy One in all his radiant beauty.
Dec 24 EP I Christmas
Dec 26-27 With the Lord is unfailing love; / great is God's power to save.
Lent 0 This is the time when you can win God’s favor, / the day when you can be saved.
Lent 4 Happy the ones who show mercy for the Lord’s sake; / they will stand firm forever.
Easter 4 I know my sheep and mine know me, / alleluia.
3. Colossians 1:12-20 ----8 - wisdom/historical [6]
3. Through him all things were made; / he holds all creation together in himself.
Dec 17-23 The spirit of the Lord rests upon me, / to preach a joyful message to the poor.
Dec 24 EP I Christmas
Dec 26-27 [4] In the beginning, before time began, / the Word was God; / today he is born, / the Savior of the world.
Lent 0 Now we must go up to Jerusalem / where all that has been written about the Son of Man will be fulfilled.
Lent 4 [3] Those things, which God foretold through the prophets / concerning the sufferings that Christ would endure, / have been fulfilled.
Easter 4 God's glory covers the heavens and praise fills the earth, / alleluia.
Col 1 3.1/6 εὐχαριστοῦντες τῷ πατρὶ τῷ ἱκανώσαντι ὑμᾶς - 3
εἰς τὴν μερίδα τοῦ κλήρου τῶν ἁγίων ἐν τῷ φωτί·
ὃς ἐρρύσατο ἡμᾶς ἐκ τῆς ἐξουσίας τοῦ σκότους //
καὶ μετέστησεν εἰς τὴν βασιλείαν τοῦ υἱοῦ τῆς ἀγάπης αὐτοῦ, - 2
ἐν ᾧ ἔχομεν τὴν ἀπολύτρωσιν, τὴν ἄφεσιν τῶν ἁμαρτιῶν· ◦
Col 1 3.1/6 ...gratias agentes Deo Patri, qui dignos nos fecit - 3
in partis sanctorum in lumine,
qui eripuit nos de potestate tenebrarum //
et transtulit in regnum Filii dilectionis suae, - 3
in quo habemus redemptionem per sanguinem eius,
remissionem peccatorum. ◦
Col 1 3.1/6 Let us give thanks to the Father for having made you worthy
to share the lot of the saints in light.
He rescued us from the power of darkness
and brought us into the kingdom of his beloved Son.
Through him we have redemption,
the forgiveness of our sins. ◦
Col 1 3.1/6 Give thanks to the Father, - 4
who made us fit for the holy community of light
and rescued us from darkness,
bringing us into the realm of his beloved Son
who redeemed us, forgiving our sins. ◦
Col 1 3.2/6 ὅς ἐστιν εἰκὼν τοῦ θεοῦ τοῦ ἀοράτου, - 2
πρωτότοκος πάσης κτίσεως, ◦
Col 1 3.2/6 Qui est imago Dei invisibilis, - 2
primogenitus omnis creaturae; ◦
Col 1 3.2/6 He is the image of the invisible God,
the first-born of all creatures. ◦
Col 1 3.2/6 Christ is an image - 2
of the God we cannot see.
Christ is firstborn in all creation. ◦
Col 1 3.3/6 ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ ἐκτίσθη τὰ πάντα - 2
ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς, //
τὰ ὁρατὰ καὶ τὰ ἀόρατα, - 3
εἴτε θρόνοι εἴτε κυριότητες εἴτε ἀρχαὶ εἴτε ἐξουσίαι·
τὰ πάντα δι’ αὐτοῦ καὶ εἰς αὐτὸν ἔκτισται· ◦
Col 1 3.3/6 quoniam in ipso condita sunt universa in caelis et in terra, - 4
visibilia et invisibilia;
sive throni sive dominationes, sive principatus sive potestates;
omnia per ipsum et in ipso creata sunt. ◦
Col 1 3.3/6 In him everything in heaven and on earth was created,
things visible and invisible.
All were created through him;
all were created for him. ◦
Col 1 3.3/6 Through Christ the universe was made, - 4
things seen and unseen,
thrones, authorities, forces, powers.
Everything was created
through Christ and for Christ. ◦
Col 1 3.4/6 καὶ αὐτός ἐστιν πρὸ πάντων - 2
καὶ τὰ πάντα ἐν αὐτῷ συνέστηκεν, ◦
Col 1 3.4/6 Ipse est ante omnes, - 2
et omnia in ipso constant. ◦
Col 1 3.4/6 He is before all else that is.
In him everything continues in being. ◦
Col 1 3.4/6 Before anything came to be, Christ was, - 2
and the universe is held together by Christ. ◦
Col 1 3.5/6 καὶ αὐτός ἐστιν ἡ κεφαλὴ τοῦ σώματος τῆς ἐκκλησίας· - 4
ὅς ἐστιν ἀρχή,
πρωτότοκος ἐκ τῶν νεκρῶν,
ἵνα γένηται ἐν πᾶσιν αὐτὸς πρωτεύων, ◦
Col 1 3.5/6 Et ipse est caput corporis ecclesiae; - 3
qui est principium, primogenitus ex mortuis,
ut sit in omnibus ipsum primatum tenens. ◦
Col 1 3.5/6 It is he who is head of the body, the church!
he who is the beginning,
the first-born of the dead,
so that primacy may be his in everything. ◦
Col 1 3.5/6 Christ is also head of the body, the church, - 3
its beginning as firstborn from the dead
to become in all things first. ◦
Col 1 3.6/6 ὅτι ἐν αὐτῷ εὐδόκησεν πᾶν τὸ πλήρωμα κατοικῆσαι - 4
καὶ δι’ αὐτοῦ ἀποκαταλλάξαι τὰ πάντα εἰς αὐτόν,
εἰρηνοποιήσας διὰ τοῦ αἵματος τοῦ σταυροῦ αὐτοῦ,
[δι’ αὐτοῦ] εἴτε τὰ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς εἴτε τὰ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς. #
Col 1 3.6/6 In ipso complacuit omnem plenitudinem inhabitare, - 3
et per eum reconciliare omnia in ipsum,
pacificans per sanguinem crucis suae. #
Col 1 3.6/6 It pleased God to make absolute fulness reside in him
and, by means of him, to reconcile everything in his person,
both on earth and in the heavens,
making peace through the blood of his cross. ◦
Col 1 3.6/6 For by God’s good pleasure - 4
Christ encompasses
the full measure of power,
reconciling creation with its source
and making peace by the blood of the cross. #
δόξα καὶ τιμὴ καὶ λατρεῖα, - 4
σοι, καὶ Χριστῷ, καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria, honor, et latria, - 4
Tibi, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory, honor, and adoration - 4
to you, to Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
3. Through him all things were made; / he holds all creation together in himself.
Dec 17-23 The spirit of the Lord rests upon me, / to preach a joyful message to the poor.
Dec 24 EP I Christmas
Dec 26-27 [4] In the beginning, before time began, / the Word was God; / today he is born, / the Savior of the world.
Lent 0 Now we must go up to Jerusalem / where all that has been written about the Son of Man will be fulfilled.
Lent 4 [3] Those things, which God foretold through the prophets / concerning the sufferings that Christ would endure, / have been fulfilled.
Easter 4 God's glory covers the heavens and praise fills the earth, / alleluia.
[2] Lord, with the strength of your arm / scatter the proud and lift up the lowly.
Dec 21 - O Oriens
Dec 22 - O Rex gentium
Dec 23 - O Emmanuel
Dec 24 ep I Christmas
Dec 24 ep I
Dec 26 - [4] While the earth was wrapt in silence / and night only half through its course, / your almighty Word, O Lord, came down from heaven, / alleluia.
Dec 27 - [2] Virgin Mary, all that the prophets foretold of Christ / has been fulfilled through you.
Lent 0 [2] When you give alms, / do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
Lent 4 - [2] By myself, says the Lord, I can do nothing. / I judge as I am told to judge, and my sentence is just.
Easter 4 [2] God sent a Son into the world not as its judge but as its savior, / alleluia.
1/4 Μεγαλύνει ἡ ψυχή μου τὸν κύριον, - 4
καὶ ἠγαλλίασεν τὸ πνεῦμα μου ἐπὶ τῷ θεῷ τῷ σωτῆρι μου,
ὅτι ἐπέβλεψεν ἐπὶ τὴν ταπείνωσιν τῆς δούλης αὐτοῦ.
ἰδοὺ γὰρ ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν μακαριοῦσιν με πᾶσαι αἱ γενεαί,
1/4 Magnificat anima mea Dominum. - 4
Et exsultavit spiritus meus in Deo, salutari meo.
Quia respexit humilitatem ancillae suae
ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes.
1/4 My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord,
my spirit rejoices in God my Savior
for he has looked with favor on his lowly servant.
From this day all generations will call me blessed:
1/4 I acclaim the greatness of the Lord, - 4
I delight in God, my Savior,
who regarded my humble state.
Truly from this day on
all ages will call me blest.
2/4 ὅτι ἐποίησεν μοι μεγάλα ὁ δυνατός. - 3
καὶ ἅγιον τὸ ὄνομα αὐτοῦ,
καὶ τὸ ἔλεος αὐτοῦ εἰς γενεὰς καὶ γενεὰς τοῖς φοβουμένοις αὐτόν.
2/4 Quia fecit mihi magna qui potens est - 4
et sanctum nomen ejus.
Et misericordia ejus a progenie in progenies
timentibus eum.
2/4 the Almighty has done great things for me,
and holy is his Name.
He has mercy on those who fear him
in every generation.
2/4 For God, wonderful in power, - 4
has used that strength for me.
Holy the name of the Lord!
whose mercy embraces the faithful,
one generation to the next.
3/4 Ἐποίησεν κράτος ἐν βραχίονι αὐτοῦ, - 2
διεσκόρπισεν ὑπερηφάνους διανοίᾳ καρδίας αὐτῶν· //
[διασκορπιζω - to scatter abroad - σκεδαννυμι - same]
[υπερeφανεω - to stand out, be arrogant]
[διανεωμαι - to think over (can't get further back)]
καθεῖλεν δυνάστας ἀπὸ θρόνων καὶ ὕψωσεν ταπεινούς, - 3
πεινῶντας ἐνέπλησεν ἀγαθῶν
καὶ πλουτοῦντας ἐξαπέστειλεν κενούς.
3/4 Fecit potentiam in brachio suo - 4
dispersit superbos mente cordis sui.
Deposuit potentes de sede
et exaltavit humiles. //
Esurientes implevit bonis - 2
et divites dimisit inanes.
3/4 He has shown the strength of his arm,
he has scattered the proud in their conceit.
He has cast down the mighty from their thrones,
and has lifted up the lowly.
He has filled the hungry with good things,
and the rich he has sent away empty.
3/4 The mighty arm of God - 4
scatters the proud in their conceit, - 4
pulls tyrants from their thrones,
and raises up the humble.
The Lord fills the starving,
and lets the rich go hungry.
4/4 ἀντελάβετο Ἰσραὴλ παιδὸς αὐτοῦ μνησθῆναι ἐλέους, - 3
καθὼς ἐλάλησεν πρὸς τοὺς πατέρας ἡμῶν,
τῷ Ἀβραὰμ καὶ τῷ σπέρματι αὐτοῦ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα.
4/4 Suscepit Israel puerum suum, - 4
recordatus misericordiae suae.
Sicut locutus est ad patres nostros,
Abraham et semini ejus in saecula.
4/4 He has come to the help of his servant Israel
for he has remembered his promise of mercy,
the promise he made to our fathers,
to Abraham and his children for ever.
4/4 God rescues lowly Israel, - 4
recalling the promise of mercy,
the promise made to our forebears,
to Abraham’s heirs forever.
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri et Filio / et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be forever. Amen.
[2] Lord, with the strength of your arm / scatter the proud and lift up the lowly.
Dec 21 - O Oriens
Dec 22 - O Rex gentium
Dec 23 - O Emmanuel
Dec 24 ep I Christmas
Dec 24 ep I
Dec 26 - [4] While the earth was wrapt in silence / and night only half through its course, / your almighty Word, O Lord, came down from heaven, / alleluia.
Dec 27 - [2] Virgin Mary, all that the prophets foretold of Christ / has been fulfilled through you.
Lent 0 [2] When you give alms, / do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.
Lent 4 - [2] By myself, says the Lord, I can do nothing. / I judge as I am told to judge, and my sentence is just.
Easter 4 [2] God sent a Son into the world not as its judge but as its savior, / alleluia.
Ave Maria, gratia plena,
Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
Sancta Maria, mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen.
[wed compline: ps 34, 60]
1 - Ps 31:1-6 ---3 - individual lament [4] [also 2 mon read] [30; mon sext]
Εἰς τὸ τέλος· ψαλμὸς τῷ Δαυιδ· ἐκστάσεως.
In finem. Psalmus David, pro extasi.
For the leader. A psalm of David
NJBC: chiastic: prayer, trust, lament, trust, prayer. hand of God vs. hand of foe;
Grail: Confident prayer in distress. False accusation and violence teach the psalmist that truth and peace can only be found in God. It is the situation of Jeremiah (Jer 20:7), of the author of the very similar psalm 22, and of Jesus himself, who quotes that psalm and this on the cross. There is an admission of momentary fear, a “let this cup of suffering pass me by,” but also a swift recovery; it is not perhaps the perfect designation of “Thy will be done,” but is at least a confident cry for help. This is usually as much as we can manage ourselves, and no doubt in God’s eyes it is enough. Our lives are in God’s hands, the psalmist says twice; the hands of God are sure and gentle.
Father, into your hands I commend my spirit. (Lk 23,46)
1. O Lord God, / be my refuge and strength.
Advent - Let us cleanse our hearts for the coming of our humble Savior, / that we may be ready to welcome him.
Epiphany - [3] The star burned like a flame, / pointing the way to our loving Savior; / the Magi saw the sign and brought their gifts in homage to their Savior King.
Lent - [3] Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, / it remains only a single grain. / But if it dies, it produces a rich harvest.
Easter [3] Our Redeemer has risen from the tomb; / let us sing a hymn of praise to the Lord our God, / alleluia.
31a/c 1.1/4 ᾿Επὶ σοί, κύριε, ἤλπισα, - 3
μὴ καταισχυνθείην εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα·
ἐν τῇ δικαιοσύνῃ σου ῥῦσαί με καὶ ἐξελοῦ με. ◦
31a/c 1.1/4 In te, Domine, speravi; - 3
non confundar in æternum:
in justitia tua libera me. ◦
31a/c 1.1/4 In you, O Lord, I take refuge.
Let me never be put to shame.
In your justice, set me free, ◦
31a/c 1.1/4 Shelter me, Lord, - 2
save me from shame.
Let there be justice:
save me! ◦
31a/c 1.2/4 κλῖνον πρός με τὸ οὖς σου, - 4
τάχυνον τοῦ ἐξελέσθαι με·
γενοῦ μοι εἰς θεὸν ὑπερασπιστὴν
καὶ εἰς οἶκον καταφυγῆς τοῦ σῶσαί με. ◦
31a/c 1.2/4 Inclina ad me aurem tuam; - 4
accelera ut eruas me.
Esto mihi in Deum protectorem,
et in domum refugii, ut salvum me facias: ◦
31a/c 1.2/4 hear me and speedily rescue me.
Be a rock of refuge for me,
a mighty stronghold to save me, ◦
31a/c 1.2/4 Help me! Listen! - 2
Be quick to the rescue!
Be my fortress, my refuge. ◦
31a/c 1.3/4 ὅτι κραταίωμά μου καὶ καταφυγή μου εἶ σὺ - 3
καὶ ἕνεκεν τοῦ ὀνόματός σου ὁδηγήσεις με καὶ διαθρέψεις με·
ἐξάξεις με ἐκ παγίδος ταύτης, ἧς ἔκρυψάν μοι, ◦
31a/c 1.3/4 quoniam fortitudo mea et refugium meum es tu; - 3
et propter nomen tuum deduces me et enutries me.
Educes me de laqueo hoc quem absconderunt mihi, ◦
31a/c 1.3/4 for you are my rock, my stronghold.
For your name’s sake, lead me and guide me.
Release me from the snares they have hidden ◦
31a/c 1.3/4 You, my rock and fortress, - 2
prove your good name.
Guide me, lead me,
free me from this trap. ◦
31a/c 1.4/4 ὅτι σὺ εἶ ὁ ὑπερασπιστής μου. - 3
εἰς χεῖράς σου παραθήσομαι τὸ πνεῦμά μου·
ἐλυτρώσω με, κύριε ὁ θεὸς τῆς ἀληθείας. #
31a/c 1.4/4 quoniam tu es protector meus. - 3
In manus tuas commendo spiritum meum;
redemisti me, Domine Deus veritatis. #
31a/c 1.4/4 for you are my refuge, Lord.
Into your hands I commend my spirit.
It is you who will redeem me, Lord. #
31a/c 1.4/4 You are my shelter; - 2
I put myself in your hands,
knowing you will save me,
Lord God of truth. #
δόξα καὶ τιμὴ καὶ λατρεῖα, - 4
σοι, καὶ Χριστῷ, καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria, honor, et latria, - 4
Tibi, Christo, et Spiritu Sancto,
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory, honor, and adoration, - 4
to you, to Christ, and to the Holy Spirit.
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and will be forever. Amen.
1. O Lord God, / be my refuge and strength.
Advent - Let us cleanse our hearts for the coming of our humble Savior, / that we may be ready to welcome him.
Christmas - God sends forth the Word to the earth; / the command spreads swiftly through the land.
Lent - [3] Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, / it remains only a single grain. / But if it dies, it produces a rich harvest.
Easter The stone was rolled back from the entrance to the tomb, / alleluia.
2. Ps 130 ----3 - individual lament [4] [also 3 sat eve] [wed comp]
᾿Οιδὴ τῶν ἀναβαθμῶν.
Canticum graduum.
A song of ascents.
NJBC: lament, trust, oracle; “depths” occurs only in four other OT texts: Is 51:10; Ex 27:34; ps 69:3,15). “let Israel wait for the Lord” occurs at end of next psalm;
Grail: Prayer of repentance and trust: sixth psalm of repentance. Waiting for the dawn of Israel’s great deliverance. The psalmist, aware of the people’s faithlessness, is equally sure of God’s answer to repentance (Neh 1:7). The return from exile was not yet “full redemption;” Israel waited and prayed. She was still waiting when Simeon took a child in his arms and said: “My eyes have seen thy salvation.” (Lk 2:50) He held the infant Son of Man who came to give his life for the redemption of many (Mk 10:45)--“with the Lord, fullness of redemption.” But since this has come, how can we Christians still await it? How can we sing the psalm? Because though called we are not yet chosen, though heirs, we do not yet enjoy the inheritance. Out of these depths our call must be constant and, if it is constant, it may be confident also. And there are some whose waiting is a purifying fire. This, more than any other, is their psalm.
Christ will save his people from their sins. (Mt 1,21)
2. Out of the depths / I cry to you, Lord.
Advent - This is our heavenly Savior; / who comes with mercy and love to save the nations,
Christmas - [4] The angel said to the shepherds: / I proclaim to you a great joy; / the Savior of the world is born for you, / alleluia.
Lent - [3] Those things, which God foretold through the prophets / concerning the sufferings that Christ would endure, / have been fulfilled.
Easter [3] I lay down to rest and awoke again, / for the Lord sustains me, / alleluia.
[6th Penitential Psalm]
130 2.1/4 ᾿Εκ βαθέων ἐκέκραξά σε, κύριε· - 4
κύριε, εἰσάκουσον τῆς φωνῆς μου·
γενηθήτω τὰ ὦτά σου προσέχοντα
εἰς τὴν φωνὴν τῆς δεήσεώς μου. ◦
130 2.1/4 De profundis clamavi ad te, Domine; - 3
Domine, exaudi vocem meam.
Fiant aures tuæ intendentes in vocem deprecationis meæ. ◦
130 2.1/4 Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord,
Lord, hear my voice!
O let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my pleading. ◦
130 2.1/4 From the depths I call to you, - 3
Lord, hear my cry.
Catch the sound of my voice
raised up, pleading. ◦
130 2.2/4 ἐὰν ἀνομίας παρατηρήσῃ, κύριε, - 4
κύριε, τίς ὑποστήσεται;
ὅτι παρὰ σοὶ ὁ ἱλασμός ἐστιν.
ἕνεκεν τοῦ νόμου σου ὑπέμεινά σε, κύριε, ◦
130 2.2/4 Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine, - 4
Domine, quis sustinebit?
Quia apud te propitiatio est;
et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine. ◦
130 2.2/4 If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt,
Lord, who would survive?
But with you is found forgiveness:
for this we revere you. ◦
Lord, who could survive?
But because you forgive
we stand in awe. ◦
130 2.3/4 ὑπέμεινεν ἡ ψυχή μου εἰς τὸν λόγον σου. – 4
ἤλπισεν ἡ ψυχή μου ἐπὶ τὸν κύριον
ἀπὸ φυλακῆς πρωίας μέχρι νυκτός·
ἐλπισάτω Ισραηλ ἐπὶ τὸν κύριον. ◦
130 2.3/4 Sustinuit anima mea in verbo ejus: - 4
speravit anima mea in Domino.
A custodia matutina usque ad noctem,
speret Israël in Domino. ◦
130 2.3/4 My soul is waiting for the Lord,
I count on his word.
My soul is longing for the Lord
more than watchman for daybreak. ◦
130 2.3/4 I trust in God’s word. - 3
I trust in the Lord.
More than sentries for dawn
I watch for the Lord. ◦
130 2.4/4 ἀπὸ φυλακῆς πρωίας - 2
ἐλπισάτω Ισραηλ ἐπὶ τὸν κύριον. //
ὅτι παρὰ τῷ κυρίῳ τὸ ἔλεος, - 4
καὶ πολλὴ παρ᾽ αὐτῷ λύτρωσις,
καὶ αὐτὸς λυτρώσεται τὸν Ισραηλ
ἐκ πασῶν τῶν ἀνομιῶν αὐτοῦ. #
130 2.4/4 A custodia matutina usque ad noctem, - 2
speret Israël in Domino. //
Quia apud Dominum misericordia, - 3
et copiosa apud eum redemptio.
Et ipse redimet Israël ex omnibus iniquitatibus ejus. #
130 2.4/4 Let the watchman count on daybreak
and Israel on the Lord.
Because with the Lord there is mercy
and fullness of redemption,
Israel indeed he will redeem
from all its iniquity. #
130 2.4/4 More than sentries for dawn - 3
let Israel watch.
The Lord will bring mercy
and grant full pardon.
The Lord will free Israel
from all its sins. #
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri et Filio / et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be forever. Amen.
2. Out of the depths / I cry to you, Lord.
Advent - This is our heavenly Savior; / who comes with mercy and love to save the nations,
Epiphany [4] The Magi opened their treasures / and offered to the Lord / gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh, / alleluia.
Lent - [3] Those things, which God foretold through the prophets / concerning the sufferings that Christ would endure, / have been fulfilled.
Easter [3] I lay down to rest and awoke again, / for the Lord sustains me, / alleluia.
σῶσον δή ἡμᾶς, κύριε,
φυλάσσε ἡμᾶς καθευδέντες,
ὅτι γρηγῶρωμεν συν Χριστῷ,
καὶ παυῷμεν ἐν ἐιρήνη.
[4] Salva nos, Domine, vigilantes,
custodi nos dormientes;
ut vigilemus cum Christo,
et requiescamus in pace.
[4] Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake,
watch over us as we sleep,
that awake, we may keep watch with Christ,
and asleep, rest in his peace.
1/3 νῦν ἀπολύεις τὸν δοῦλον σου, δέσποτα
κατὰ τὸ ῥῆμα σου ἐν εἰρήνῃ·
1/3 Nunc dimittis servum tuum, Domine,
secundum verbum tuum in pace.
1/3 Lord, let your servant
now die in peace,
for you kept your promise.
2/3 ὅτι εἶδον οἱ ὀφθαλμοί μου τὸ σωτήριον σου,
ὃ ἡτοίμασας κατὰ πρόσωπον πάντων τῶν λαῶν,
2/3 Quia viderunt oculi mei salutare tuum,
Quod parasti ante faciem omnium populorum.
2/3 With my own eyes
I see the salvation
you prepared for all peoples:
3/3 φῶς εἰς ἀποκάλυψιν ἐθνῶν
καὶ δόξαν λαοῦ σου Ἰσραήλ.
3/3 Lumen ad revelationem gentium,
et gloriam plebis tuae Israel.
3/3 a light of revelation for the Gentiles
and glory to your people Israel. #
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
δόξα τῷ πατρί, καὶ τῷ υἱῷ - 4
καὶ τῷ πνεῦματι ἅγίω,
ὡς ἐν τῇ ἀρχῇ καὶ σήμερον
καὶ εἰς τὸν αἰῶνα τοῦ αἰῶνος, ἀμήν.
Gloria Patri et Filio / et Spiritui Sancto, - 4
sicut erat in principio, et nunc, et semper,
et in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son,
and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now,
and will be forever. Amen.
σῶσον δή ἡμᾶς, κύριε,
φυλάσσε ἡμᾶς καθευδέντες,
ὅτι γρηγῶρωμεν συν Χριστῷ,
καὶ παυῷμεν ἐν ἐιρήνη.
[4] Salva nos, Domine, vigilantes,
custodi nos dormientes;
ut vigilemus cum Christo,
et requiescamus in pace.
[4] Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake,
watch over us as we sleep,
that awake, we may keep watch with Christ,
and asleep, rest in his peace.
May the all-powerful Lord /
grant us a restful night /
and a peaceful death. /
Omni die, dic Mariae
Omni die, dic Mariae
mea laudes anima.
Ejus gesta, ejus festa
cole devotissima.
Contemplare et mirare
ejus celsitudinem.
Dic felicem Genitricem,
dic beatam Virginem.
Ipsam cole, ut de mole
criminum te liberet.
Hanc appella, ne procella
vitiorum superet.
Haec persona nobis dona
contulit caelestia.
Haec Regina nos divina
illustravit gratia.
Alma, Redemptoris Mater
Alma, Redemptoris Mater,
[almus, -a, -um - nourishing, gracious - from alo]
quae pervia caeli porta manes, et stella maris,
succurre cadenti, surgere qui curat, populo:
tu quae genuisti, natura mirante,
tuum sanctum Genitorem;
Virgo prius ac posterius,
Gabrielis ab ore sumens illud Ave,
peccatorum miserere.
Ave Regina
Ave Regina caelorum,
Ave, Domina angelorum,
Salve, radix, salve, porta,
Ex qua mundo lux est orta.
Gaude, Virgo, gloriosa,
Super omnes speciosa.
Vale, O valde, decora,
Et pro nobis, Christum exora.
Regina Caeli
Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia.
Quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia,
Resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia.
Ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.